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F48V4-NS at 40 fps using all 48 pixel output ports?

Started by BirdingPix, February 05, 2023, 03:10:29 PM

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While I wait for my new F48V4-NS controller to arrive, I am re-designing my existing show from F16V3 and F16V2-R.

I am also changing everything to run the whole show at 40 fps and re-create all FSEQ sequences in xLights using 25 ms timing.   So far so good.

I can see from the latest PixelController Specifications spreadsheet (revision 2.1 Jan 2023) that to output pixel strings at 40 fps, my MAX number of pixels per any of the F48V4 ports is 704 pixels.  Fine.

I am adjusting my layout design to make sure the total pixel count of all the elements connected to any port do not exceed 704.

So when I multiply 48 ports x 704 pixels, I get 33,792.  Fine.  But that is 1024 pixels HIGHER than what the spec sheet for the F48V4 says is 32,768 pixels. ??

So can I run all 48 ports at the max pixel count?   It seems I don't think so...

Any help on understanding this would be much appreciated before before I design it all up on paper before re-configuring everything.   I don't expect to run ALL 48 ports at the 704 max pixel count... but I just want to make sure I understand this.

Thank you all so much.
(see attachment of F84V4 specs)


You have it right. The controller has a max pixel count of 32768, any one port has a max of 704 at 40FPS.


Quote from: BirdingPix on February 05, 2023, 03:10:29 PMI am also changing everything to run the whole show at 40 fps and re-create all FSEQ sequences in xLights using 25 ms timing
Is there a specific reason for this?
If to err is human, I am more human than most people.


Expanding on this question. The specs show the pixel count for the various frame rate. Is the frame rate set on the controller some place and has to match the sequence.
So basically how does the controller know the number of pixels per channel if a person is configuring with not sequence or lights hooked up to the controller?


Quote from: ChuckM on June 01, 2023, 12:48:03 PMExpanding on this question. The specs show the pixel count for the various frame rate. Is the frame rate set on the controller some place and has to match the sequence
The frame rate is set by the sequencing software during the creation of the sequence.  There is no place to set it on the Kulp or Falcon controllers. 

Quote from: ChuckM
on 6/1/2023, 2:48:03 PM
Quote from: ChuckM on June 01, 2023, 12:48:03 PMSo basically how does the controller know the number of pixels per channel if a person is configuring with not sequence or lights hooked up to the controller?
The sequence file does not define strings.  It simply defines channels and what each channel is set to at any point in time.  You define the number of pixels on each port and the channel numbers they are tied to in the controllers output configuration.  The controller does not know or care how many nodes are actually connected to those ports.  If you define more nodes on a port than are actually connected, the data for those nodes will simply vanish into nothing.  If you define less, then the extra nodes beyond your definition will simply do nothing.  The controller has an absolute maximum number of pixels both per channel and total number of pixels the controller can support and will flag an error of either is exceeded.  These numbers are based of the controllers slowest speed.  If you define a port within the controllers maximum pixel port count but above its maximum for the speed of your sequence, the controller will not give you your desired output and will either give no output on that port or drop frames on that port because it simply can't keep up.  IOW, YOU need to define your ports and the pixels connected to them based on the speed that you want to run your sequences to keep them within the controllers capabilities.  


32,767 or 32768 (if you also include zero) happens be a well know 2 byte signed integer limit. Probably, somewhere in the code that runs the F48 is buried a 2 byte signed integer that is controlling all the accesses. Hence, the overall limit.

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