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V7 Alpha shell not working

Started by MikeKrebs, May 21, 2023, 09:22:50 PM

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Running the alpha V7, I can't get shell to run

Unable to connect

Firefox can't establish a connection to the server at fpp01.local:4200.

Do I need to do something to enable SSH Shell?

FPP Version:7.x-master-100-gb7318431
Platform:Raspberry Pi (Pi 3 Model B)
FPP OS Build:v2023-04
OS Version:Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
Hardware Serial Number:00000000f08f3424
Kernel Version:6.1.21-v7+
System Boot Time:2023-04-12 21:48:19
fppd Uptime:1 day, 01:20:46
Local Git Version:b731843 ChangeLog
Remote Git Version:b731843


try it without the .local  (though, for me, it worked either way)
using the :4200, it goes to a login screen for the shell CLI (rarely used by me since I'm not a Linux user)

Version Info   
FPP Version:   7.x-master-100-gb7318431
Platform:   Raspberry Pi (Pi 3 Model B+)
FPP OS Build:   v2022-11
OS Version:   Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
Hardware Serial Number:   0000000057f6d9a7
Kernel Version:   5.15.74-v7+
System Boot Time:   2023-05-13 20:52:13
fppd Uptime:   1 day, 15:38:01
Local Git Version:   b731843 ChangeLog
Remote Git Version:   b731843

worked on this one, which has the same kernel as yours

Version Info   
FPP Version:   7.x-master-100-gb7318431
Platform:   Raspberry Pi (Pi 4)
FPP OS Build:   v2023-04
OS Version:   Raspbian GNU/Linux 11 (bullseye)
Hardware Serial Number:   10000000e9749a18
Kernel Version:   6.1.21-v8+
System Boot Time:   2023-04-22 19:41:50
fppd Uptime:   1 day, 15:40:23
Local Git Version:   b731843 ChangeLog
Remote Git Version:   b731843
Long time Falcon, FPP and xLights user


Using the IP worked.

Interestingly, doing a ping returns an IPV6 address
ping fpp01.local

Pinging fpp01 [fe80::ba27:ebff:feda:6171%6] with 32 bytes of data:
Reply from fe80::ba27:ebff:feda:6171%6: time=1ms

I don't use IPV6 so I went into my network adapter properties and unchecked IPV6. Then the two things I had problems with (shell and troubleshooting) started working immediately using the IP address.

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