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Started by shanebou24, May 30, 2023, 08:06:54 AM

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Hello, Anyone have a pulse on a EEEPROM demo file or anything?

I have made a DIY board and i would like to load my own logo and name to the board but i can't seem to find anything about this. I see the EEPROM.txt in the github but this dose not adress how to pull a logo or anything.

or maybe How would a DIYer get there own vendor data?


There is a sample eeprom for BBB in /opt/fpp/docs/samples/eeproms/sample-bbb-strings that has the image and stuff.  
Daniel Kulp -


Thank you very much.

This a proper task ill have to dig into this later today,

Thank you for your time.


Quote from: dkulp on May 30, 2023, 08:09:55 AMThere is a sample eeprom for BBB in /opt/fpp/docs/samples/eeproms/sample-bbb-strings that has the image and stuff. 
getting really close! Are there any definitions for all of the options? for example 48 strings vs 16 and with or without Diff.  
I also see that some vendors list there email. is there a full libary?



If to err is human, I am more human than most people.


 yes thats great to get started but Im looking for the diffenations for the setup json file for the capes/hats. The file in sample does have any verbage on setting up differential ports, screens or buttons.


i pulled some jsons from FPP 5.5 (cant find any in 6.3)
looks like  "type": "differential" or "expansion" 
then type not needed for normal outputs under  "groups"

but im still not seeing how to screen or buttons are setup also i kinda assume some of this is out of date

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