
LATEST RELEASE:  FPP 8.5.1 - Download from here -



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Started by breese, January 17, 2025, 01:47:06 PM

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I received my complete K2-Pi-Servo package.
After configuring it I updated it to 8.4.2
When I go into Channel Outputs / Servos Tab and Activate the hat, when I click on Save it highlights but never saves.
If I active the servo hat, change to the Pixel Strings, activate the Enable K2-Pi-Servo, and click Save, Both settings are updated.
Edit: The saved settings for the Servos do not stay activated after a reboot

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I am attamping to learn the new Kulp K2-Pi-Servo hat and am having a few issues with xLights and FPP.
I setup the DMX skull in xLights.
The goal is the automate my singing Santa with the 3-axse, mouth servo, and torso servo.

The channels listed in xLights do not match the channels listed in FPP servo outputs But the servo's operate as per the FPP outputs when using output to lights in xLights.
Opening the visualizer I see the jaw, pan, tilt, nod, along with Eye LR, Torso (what I need), and eye brightness.
In FPP servo outputs I see these same listed after uploading outputs.
In xLights, the Torso does not appear.
In xLights, Strand/Node Names, all of them appear.
Under Skull Config, choosing Skulltronics, nothing changes Except the Skull OBJ disappears.
Same for choosing 16 Bits.

Has anyone created a full prop using the K2-Pi-Servo?

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