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F32v5 Release Date

Started by mcarter, April 20, 2024, 01:09:09 PM

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Hi all,

Is there a general timeframe as to when the F32v5 will be available for purchase?  I see it is listed on the spec sheet so I was hoping it is soon.

For me, the F32v5 makes the most sense for what I am looking for as the F16v4 series is already on the road to depreciation and the F16v5 is the most limiting primary board out there. Technically I could buy/use differential receivers to expand but they are so much more expensive now (nearly doubled in price in 4 years...$17 in Nov 2019 and $30-35 now). I understand they are "smart" now but just pushes the limits of practicality.



I am not sure how soon, but has a 32 port controller available now.
If to err is human, I am more human than most people.


Quote from: mcarter on April 20, 2024, 01:09:09 PMIs there a general timeframe as to when the F32v5 will be available for purchase? 
People on this site are typically either not aware of new products/release dates, or keep quiet about them until the information is public.  Product news is generally posted by another forum member that has noticed it on the pixel controller site, or another source.  I would suggest sending an email to David.

Quote from: mcarter on April 20, 2024, 01:09:09 PMFor me, the F32v5 makes the most sense for what I am looking for as the F16v4 series is already on the road to depreciation and the F16v5 is the most limiting primary board out there.
A lot of people on this forum are still using V2 series boards.  Most of my controllers are v3 series and still work perfectly.  If the 4v series is a better fit, it would still be a good option.

Quote from: mcarter on April 20, 2024, 01:09:09 PMTechnically I could buy/use differential receivers to expand but they are so much more expensive now (nearly doubled in price in 4 years...$17 in Nov 2019 and $30-35 now). I understand they are "smart" now but just pushes the limits of practicality.
Not sure it is fair to compare pre-covid prices considering ALL VENDORS have raised their prices since 2019.


@Poporacer Thanks...I am already all-in on Falcon Hardware and my strong preference is to stay with one set of hardware for simplicity. Years ago I did start on the E682 but divested those for standardization.

@JonD Thanks Jon. I totally understand what you are saying given I am using 4 F16v3s myself. My focus using the latest hardware is future looking as availability for V2/V3 expansion pieces are increasingly limited.  In terms of pricing, I agree with the reality of inflation which is why I am comparing PixelController against themselves. Their "top available controller board" increased only 30% ($200 -> $260) versus the 50% increase for differential receivers. Not intended to get this thread off track but it is a factor in consideration.

Thanks to you both. I will email David to see if he can give additional insight.


Quote from: mcarter on April 21, 2024, 01:46:44 PMmy strong preference is to stay with one set of hardware for simplicity.
I totally understand, I use both in my show.

Quote from: mcarter on April 21, 2024, 01:46:44 PMYears ago I did start on the E682
Yeah the E682 isn't a mainstream controller and is quite different that the mainstream ones.
If to err is human, I am more human than most people.


Quote from: Poporacer on April 21, 2024, 07:13:16 PMQuote from: mcarter on 4/21/2024, 2:46:44 PM
Quote from: mcarter on April 21, 2024, 01:46:44 PMYears ago I did start on the E682
Yeah the E682 isn't a mainstream controller and is quite different that the mainstream one.
Quite different? What do you mean? What makes a mainstream controller?


Comparing an over a dozen year old controller to a modern one is not a fair comparison.  The SanDevices controllers were great a dozen years ago, but they have essentially not changed / updated since.  Compared to a F16, it's no comparison - NOW.

I used both E682 and E6804 controllers for many years.  Finally retired my last E6804 from daily service a couple years ago - although I still use it as a test sequence generator for testing pixel strings.
Using LOR (mostly SuperStar) for all sequencing - using FPP only to drive P5 and P10 panels.
My show website:



If you are coming at this from a cost angle, the smart receiver ports are typically a lot cheaper than controller ports.  A 16 port quad receiver is $90.00, vs a 16 port V5 at $260.00.  In some cases smart receivers work better, in others worse.  It kind of depends on how many lights you need to connect to each port.  I am personally not a huge fan the 1a,1b,1c,1d,1e,1f adjustments.  Having to change the positions each year when you move them around, and then have all your port labels off is kind of annoying.  I have got away from using anything in smart mode, but a lot of people like them. 


Quote from: JonD on April 22, 2024, 12:51:23 PMI am personally not a huge fan the 1a,1b,1c,1d,1e,1f adjustments.  Having to change the positions each year when you move them around, and then have all your port labels off is kind of annoying.

Sounds like you move things around too much  :)

I only use two Smart Remote receivers - and it's from the same F4v3.  The "a" unit is used year round and the "b" unit is only used for Christmas (about 4 feet away from the "a" unit).  When I set up the Christmas show, I unplug a termination plug on the 2nd port of the "a" unit and plug in the six foot cable to the "b" unit.  Never need to change settings.
Using LOR (mostly SuperStar) for all sequencing - using FPP only to drive P5 and P10 panels.
My show website:



We too move things each year, therefore we set the remotes in their most basic and leave them.  For the most part, one remote for each remote-output off the controllers.  Occasionally, we may daisy chain a couple.
Sequencers: Vixen3 and xLights
Players: FPP and xSchedule Controllers:  Renards - SS24/SS16; E1.31 - San Devices E682 - Falcon F16, F4, F48 - J1Sys - DIYLEDExpress E1.31 Bridges.  Much more!


I mainly rework existing lights these days.  I have been redesigning them to make them easier to setout/takedown/store.  Also, have been going to 2" spacing on everything which often requires more ports.  If all the boxes are full in the area, I will add a new box.  When that happens, I shift all the lights around so that props are all grouped together, and each box has a little extra capacity for next year.

During the covid controller shortage, it was impossible to buy controllers so I used SRs instead.  I made a lot of SR boxes with three smart receivers installed in a cg-1500 to get by.  They worked fine, but was not a big fan.  I still have SRs in most of my controllers.  Example... my 32 strand mega-tree has a large star on top, and the SR converts the 32 port box into a 36 port box for the topper.  I only use them in native mode installed permanently in the box.  No more 1a,1b,1c changes, no termination adjustments, no more port labels displaying incorrect information, less likely to accidentally plug an ethernet cable into a RS485 port, and the xlight port list printout is much cleaner.  Nothing wrong with smart mode other than a personal preference to keep things simple. 

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