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GPIO buttons to change playlist / sequence

Started by mac610, August 06, 2024, 01:36:51 PM

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Running FPP 7.5 on a Pi Zero W for an indoor "art piece" shadowbox with some buttons on the GPIO in. Uses RGB nodes hardwired to the 2 maximum GPIO outs. There's no separate controllers, no audio, motors, flames, human canons, etc.

I have a handful of sequences I made in Xlights. They are simple, each plays a different single pattern for 5 mins straight. Since you can't seamlessly loop a sequence without a quick blackout or stutter, all sequences have a 5 second fade up / fade down to keep it smooth when it loops.

The idea is when you turn it on, Sequence_01 loops forever, that's the easy part. I want to press a button to simply go to the next sequence (or playlist, doesn't matter) and then _02 plays indefinitely until another push to go either forward to next or go back to previous ...and that's it!  But I can't seem to figure out what works for that. There are like 50 command presets, I tried all that were remotely pertinent and I keep hitting a wall.

I see the "next playlist ITEM" option, but why in the world isn't there just a Next Playlist command? I'm hoping it's something incredibly simple that I'm just not seeing. If a command can't do it, is there a script that can? I'm not proficient yet in how scripts work but I did see something elsewhere that said 'fpp -c next' and apparently that did the job for someone, just not sure yet how to implement that.

Simply want to scroll through the different sequences like watching a TV channel with a forward button and previous button and just play the selection forever until either is pressed again.


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