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What lights should I get if BBB is imaging from SD properly?

Started by battle79, November 16, 2024, 11:24:54 PM

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[Update: Resolved] In case it helps anyone else, using the barrel jack 5V input and holding the S2 button was the only combination that allowed the FPP image install from the SD card. Powering by any other method would not trigger the reimage.

I have tried new SD card, old SD card, holding S2, not holding S2, powering from USB, Powering from cape. Still no luck reimaging this BBB. I tried updating it and it came up with out of space errors and basically locked up and couldn't write any settings. So now trying to install new 8.3 BBB image to it.

Every time I seem to get the same light sequence, all four for a second, then settling to one dimly lit and one occasionally flashing, that leads to me being able to log into it and confirm that nothing has changed.

Any ideas to try would be appreciated.


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