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Remote Falcon issue with “double starting” sequences

Started by THERCLAN, December 08, 2024, 10:28:17 PM

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Greetings all!

First time posting... I will say thank you in advance for any help you might be able provide!

I'm running a Kulp K64D-B with 11 Kulp smart receivers (v4.0) and everything works well running my show normally.

Just started using Remote Falcon for the first time.  Everything seems to run well initially... website up... allows selection of sequence and puts them in the queue. 

The first sequence will start to run for about 2 seconds literally... then shuts off for about two seconds... then starts running again, only after that little "restart" it runs normally to completion.  Then, when the second sequence in the queue runs it starts the same way. Runs about 2 seconds... shuts off about two seconds, then starts up again.  Only, the second time it starts, it will usually freeze everything up.  I literally have to kill power to my main controller to unfreeze everything.

Anyone else experience similar issues?  If so, did you resolve it?  If you did, would you mind sharing your fix?

Thanks much!



Quote from: THERCLAN on December 08, 2024, 10:28:17 PMAnyone else experience similar issues?

Can you post the Remote Falcon Log?

Do you have 2 different playlists? Do you have Interrupt schedule enabled? Voting or Jukebox?
If to err is human, I am more human than most people.


Quote from: THERCLAN on December 08, 2024, 10:28:17 PMThe first sequence will start to run for about 2 seconds literally... then shuts off for about two seconds... then starts running again, only after that little "restart" it runs normally to completion.  Then, when the second sequence in the queue runs it starts the same way. Runs about 2 seconds... shuts off about two seconds, then starts up again.  Only, the second time it starts, it will usually freeze everything up.  I literally have to kill power to my main controller to unfreeze everything.
Could you be using the EDM RDS Audio plugin or something similar?  I see that when using the "EDM RDS Audio" plug-in or interrupting the schedule another way such as playing a "Do Not Block Driveway" warning message immediately.  Does the first 2 seconds not have sound, and when it starts the second time it has sound?



Thank you for the reply!  Sorry, realized after your post that would have been helpful additional information!

- yes I have two different playlists.  One dedicated to RF and one for my nightly show

- I do not have interrupt schedule enabled.  James  Vance said it can be a "jarring" experience to have it break in right in the middle of a song.  So I show the selection currently playing to finish before moving to the next requested song

- This is jukebox mode.  It works fine on the website... all information showing correctly and songs entering the queue correctly... just these double starts then freezes when actually playing requested sequences.  My show runs flawlessly in normal circumstances.

- and this is terrible, but I didn't know there was a RF log.  I'm guessing that is found in FPP somewhere?

Thank you again!




Thank you for your reply!

It does have audio during that first two seconds... and normal auto when it restarts.

Although interestingly, one time when the song restarted... it didn't freeze the show.  Instead, that time, just the audio disappeared but again, I had to completely unplug my controller to get audio back.

No EDM RDS audio plugin or anything like that.  

Thank you again!



Quote from: THERCLAN on December 09, 2024, 06:30:07 AMand this is terrible, but I didn't know there was a RF log.  I'm guessing that is found in FPP somewhere?
No worries, it is in Content Setup>File Manager>Logs

If to err is human, I am more human than most people.



I have attached the log from yesterday, which is the first day I used the RF and pretty much started at the point where the troubles began about 5:30 local time. 

You will see the Bluey Theme Song queued up somewhere around 5:43 and it froze trying to play that sequence.  You will then see the clock jump from 5:53 to 6:00 as that is when we had to unplug and restart.

What I find curious is that there are several occasions where the log says: "Updated current playing sequence to" but then there is nothing there.  No song listed.

At 6:02 PM is when it tried playing "What's This?" from the queue.  You can see there are two occasions there of "Updated current playing sequence to" (blank).  I believe it was during this time that "What's This?" was playing, but sound had disappeared.

I think the better look is the sequence "Home Alone Medley" which I think initially queued at 6:04 PM. Then you can see at 6:08:19 I think it tries to start "Home Alone" but it has that message where "updated current playing sequence to" is blank.  Then you see 5 seconds later at 6:08:24, it now says "Updated current playing sequence to Home Alone.   I really believe it was that 5-second period where the song started, played two seconds, then shut off and restarted.

I know remote falcon says it can't run if FPP is idle.  I have noticed my FPP always goes idle for a couple of seconds between sequences.  I don't know if that is the issue?  Since I don't have "interrupt" turned on, it waits for the current song to finish before trying to play the RF queue.  I dunno if RF has a problem of looking at the system in those few seconds that the player is idle between songs?  (Also don't know how I can change that, IF it can be changed).

Finally, I waited until the end of the night and tried RF again.  I thought I was supposed to have the RF-specific playlist in the FPP scheduler, but just not active.  Then I was told I should not.  I DO have the scheduler set to turn on/off the viewer control and to purge the queue.  So, the difference between the start of the night and the end of the night is that the RF-specific playlist was no longer in the FPP scheduler at the end of the night.  This time, I had three songs that seemed to run consecutively from the RF queue without the show freezing up.  However, the sequences still did the "double start" and I wasn't downstairs to verify the audio.

(have my leg in a cast at the moment, so I don't easily just run downstairs and out front to push the button and check my audio.  LOL!)

Whew!  That was a lot I know... Trying to give all information with the hope of being helpful.

Thank you!



Quote from: THERCLAN on December 09, 2024, 03:14:49 PMI have noticed my FPP always goes idle for a couple of seconds between sequences.
That is NOT what is expected and could be your issue, why is FPP Stopping your playlist?
Can you post your playlist and your scheduler?
Do you have any FPP Commands?

What version of FPP and it looks like you are running an older version of the plugin. I would suggest updating both if you are not somewhat current
Also, post your fppd.log
If to err is human, I am more human than most people.



Thank you!  I didn't know that was abnormal!  I had installed a bunch of plugins that I thought I MIGHT want to play around with, but it is clear I'm not getting around to that extra stuff this season.

I deleted all the plugins I'm not using and one of them must have been the problem.  My FPP no longer stops/pauses between sequences in the play list.  It stays green "playing" all the time now.

I will try starting up the regular sequence and then queueing up songs through RF and let you know if that resolves the issues!

Thank you again!




That was it! Bad plugin somewhere.

Working as advertised now.

Thank you so much for helping me to troubleshoot and resolve the issue.

Take care,



Quote from: THERCLAN on December 09, 2024, 03:59:45 PMI had installed a bunch of plugins that I thought I MIGHT want to play around with
Be careful, not all plugins play well with each other!

Quote from: THERCLAN on December 09, 2024, 03:59:45 PMMy FPP no longer stops/pauses between sequences in the play list.
That is awesome!

Quote from: THERCLAN on December 09, 2024, 03:59:45 PMand let you know if that resolves the issues!
you should consider upgrading like I mentioned earlier
If to err is human, I am more human than most people.


Quote from: THERCLAN on December 09, 2024, 05:06:52 PMThank you so much for helping me to troubleshoot and resolve the issue.
Glad you got it working
If to err is human, I am more human than most people.



I believe I'm running 7.5 on FPP.  I hate to update right now.  Everything is working so I don't want to "fix what ain't broken" at the moment.  😂😂

I will update after this season and again if necessary before the start of next season.  

Thank you again!



Quote from: THERCLAN on December 09, 2024, 06:09:09 PMEverything is working so I don't want to "fix what ain't broken" at the moment.
I agree, BUT if something isn't working as expected, I would suggest uninstalling and re-installing the Remote Falcon Plugin. That is outdated.
If to err is human, I am more human than most people.

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