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FPP Playlist “Image” Entries Disappearing From Playlist

Started by trains+lights, August 11, 2024, 09:18:06 PM

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I'm using an FPP playlist to start a slideshow on a TV display after my light sequence ends. Ideally, I'd like to use a series of "Image"-type entries to allow for quick changes to the slides. The manual describes that this entry type should give the option output individual images or the entire Images folder in the FPP File Manager through HDMI. It should also give you the option to select the transition type between images.

I haven't been able to get the Image entries to work on my Raspberry Pi 4. I'm wondering if anyone else has experienced this issue or if anyone who's used it successfully might know where I went wrong. I've included a list of issues and the steps I've tried below.

The alternative I've tested is uploading the slideshow as a video or series of videos. Playing video files through the FPP playlist "Media" entries outputs to HDMI fine, but any changes to the slideshow would require exporting and uploading a new MP4 file.

I'm open to other suggestions for how I could play a slideshow through FPP. Thank you!

- After starting a playlist with Image entries from the FPP Status page, the Image entries disappear, leaving only the Pause entries.
- No images are output to the Pi's HDMI port. The Pi remains on the FPP console screen as the playlist runs through the Pause items only.
- There is no option to set what transition type is used between images.
- Entering the FPP images folder path (/home/fpp/media/image) when adding an Image entry yields an "invalid image" error.

Steps Attempted:
1. In an FPP Playlist, add a new Image entry. From the New Entry window, click Choose File to browse within FPP File Manager for the image to add to the playlist. To cycle through all images in the FPP Images folder, type in the Images folder path (/home/fpp/media/images) as the file path when adding an Image entry. Images will play in random order.
2. Add a new Pause entry to the playlist. Fill in the Duration for how many seconds the image should be held.
3. Click the Save Playlist button in the upper right.
4. On the FPP Status page, select the updated playlist from the dropdown menu, then press the Play button.
5. The playlist should now output images through HDMI (but it doesn't).

Also Tried:
- Deleting and re-creating the playlist
- Using a different browser to check for UI issues
- Swapping out images with varying file sizes (~90 KB to 5 MB)
- Switching to older (7.0) and newer (8.0 beta) versions of FPP
- Re-imaging the Pi's SD card
- Repeating steps on a Raspberry Pi 3
- Trying a different monitor and HDMI cord


Just to update the thread, I found my issue. I had missed the "Pixel Overlay mode" in the manual. When using that, I could update the frame buffer for hdmi0, then update the buffer for hdmi1 (because it's a Pi 4 and I want to use both outputs duplicated). Then I added the pause entry and with that the picture frame mode was working!

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