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xLights & Length of Animated Image

Started by munu, February 26, 2023, 07:49:09 PM

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I am not sure if I post this in the right forum. If not, let me know. I have a couple of sequences in xLights. Each sequence has several animated gifs that are shown on a matrix display. I don't want to loop the animated gifs so I disabled that option. But how do I make the length of an image exactly the length of the animation? So lets say an animated give lasts for 12 seconds. How do I make the image exactly as long as the animation without knowing exactly how long the animation is? 


This is confusing...You want to add an image file (an animated Gif) and have it play only one loop of the animation and that duration is to match the exact duration of the clip...
But you don't know how long that clip duration is?

A sarcastic question, but how is xLights supposed to know how long the duration of the native clip is if you don't? LOL

But to answer your question, if you do not select the loop option, xLights will play the animation only one time and Speed up/Slow down the animation to fit the duration. You can change the duration of the clip until it "looks good"
But if you want it to match "Exactly" then you will need some way of identifying how many individual images are in the gif and the duration of each individual image and add them all up together. Or you can use some sort of program to extract that information, like
If to err is human, I am more human than most people.


Ok, got it. I looked at the file properties before but didn't find any information about the duration. I was hoping xLights can somehow figure this out as web browsers also can figure it out somehow (probably somewhere in the metadata). 

Your link helps. I went to the cut option and uploaded one of the gifs. There it shows me the duration. Thanks!

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