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Xlights String Type/Color Order Not Uploading to Kulp 32A-B

Started by tikaice, January 16, 2023, 10:16:17 AM

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I am having issues with the Kulp 32A-B, I purchased it with the beaglebone black and sd card with fpp loaded. I am using xlights version 2023.01 (64bit). I am completely new with xlights and have a few models. I set my String type to (GRB) in xlights but when I upload to controller all the other settings are changed except for the String type/Color order.


I would leave the "String Type" that you set to RGB so the data in the fseq stays RGB.   Then just above it in the "Set Color Order", enable that and select GRB.   
Daniel Kulp -


The color order that you set in the model tells XLights the proper order to send the 3 color commands for the nodes in that model.  If does not and should not change the color order in the controller.  There are 2 schools of thought on this and each has some advantages.  The first one is to tell XLights the color order of the nodes in the strings it is working with amd leave the controller set to RGB and the other is to set all strings in XLights to RGB and set the controller to the actual string color order.  If you set XLights to a color order other than RGB AND set the controller the same way, both will change the color order of the output and it will not be correct.  


Thank you to both of you.

That is what I needed to know and that explains it very well.

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