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create new playlist with all sequences

Started by oceanwanderlust, December 06, 2023, 02:08:44 PM

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This morning I made a clean upgrade to FPP7 but forgot how much time I had put into organizing my sequences in playlists.

How do I create a new playlist with all sequences? 

I want to duplicate it and quickly delete the sequences which don't belong, but adding them all manually the first time is gonna take all afternoon.


If you don't have the backup, there isn't an easy way to do it now within FPP without clicking the Add button a bunch of times in the playlist editor.  I do think it would be beneficial to add an easier method to bulk add, so I created an enhancement request for when I or someone else gets around to looking at it.


wow, it wouldn't feel like christmas without a helpful response from CaptainMurdoch in under an hour; Merry Christmas Good Sir!

I sucked it up, and it only took 20min on a desktop with a mouse to recreate an everything playlist.


Are you aware (or anyone) that in Xlights - FPP Connect, you can upload the videos and audio to a specific playlist?
Then all you have to do is edit the playlist for the Order you want it in, and the Lead In and Outs.

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