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'could not create output type bbb48string' on Pi remote no pixels mp4 video only

Started by jtrpop, November 28, 2023, 09:11:54 AM

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My Pi 4 remote running fresh flashed FPP 7.3 then restored with last year's FPP backup is showing "could not create output type bbb48string'. It runs no pixels, no virtual matrix, just mp4 video. No output ports running, and no ~/media/config/co-bbbStrings.json. Welcome any suggestions for a fix.

Jason Rasmussen
Virtual Christmas Summit 2021 - Optimizing Your Audio and FM Transmission


I think this is from a bad push from xLights.  It is possibly in ~/media/config/co-pixelStrings.json which you could remove if you don't have any pixels attached.


Hmm, that file doesn't exist either.

fpp@FPP:~/media/config $ ls
backups  ci-universes.json  commandPresets.json  co-universes.json  Falcon.FPDV1  media_durations.cache  model-overlays.json  plugin.remote-falcon  schedule.json  virtualdisplaymap
Jason Rasmussen
Virtual Christmas Summit 2021 - Optimizing Your Audio and FM Transmission


Run "grep -i bbb48 /home/fpp/media/config/*.json"

It might have made its way into the co-universes.json file, but the above grep will find it.


So grep couldn't find anything, I restarted FPPD (something I've done quite a lot of), now the message goes away today. Weird. I am however having this now, and no fseq sequences on this Pi.

Abnormal Conditions - May Cause Poor Performance
Sequence file /home/fpp/media/sequences/Stretchy Pants - Carrie Underwood.fseq does not exist
Jason Rasmussen
Virtual Christmas Summit 2021 - Optimizing Your Audio and FM Transmission


That message will display if the remote doesn't have the fseq file.  If you don't want it there, then you can ignore it.  Or you could load the .fseq and it would play but wouldn't do anything since there aren't any channel outputs configured.

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