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Holiday Display Manager

Started by deanathpc, April 14, 2016, 01:47:23 PM

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Good afternoon folks.  So....  Is this the place to post any software someone is working on or does it have to be related to Falcon stuff?  Because as you see by the subject I have created a small program that can be run on your Windows machine whether it be on your hard drive or via a thumb drive (I use PortableApps myself).  If this isn't the right spot please tell me where the proper place would be.

The .exe file is a little over 1 mb.  Wow I didn't realize how big that got. I will have to attempt to reduce this in time.  My current database file is about 170 kb.  I use SQLite for the database to make it more portable but yet functional.

This is still in the development / testing phase.  I'm nervous about releasing it but I guess at this point I need some input from folks that are using RGB.  I have not fully gotten into RGB as some have on here so I need to know if this will be usable as is or if I have to re-work for RGB.  This is based on a spreadsheet I found some time ago that I can't even remember the name of where I got it.  I'm sure some will know it once they see my program.

I do have some basic reports setup also which are done via .pdf.  I need to update the help file though as I have made some changes in the GUI and structure here and there.

Some major points:

  • Enter in your lights for inventory purposes (total inventory still in development)
  • Enter in all of your controllers (max of 50 right now)
  • Enter in your channels
  • Keeps track of total amps for your display (based on 120 VAC at this time)
  • Keeps track of how many bulbs you have in your display (all park figure depending on how you count RGB lights)
  • Keeps track of total watts for your display
  • To-Do section
  • Each controller has a history of work done based on To-Do section.  When you select each controller you'll see the history.
  • Quick Calcs section to figure out Power, Volts, Amps
  • Music Details.  Enter in music for each holiday and it will give you total run time.  Accuracy needs to be verified
  • Setup screen to allow you to change To-Do Categories and also Circuits
  • In relation to circuits I added this section so you can keep track of how many amps each circuit is drawing.  Don't want to over load your cords etc.
  • While on the Home Screen you right click a controller or To-Do the program will take you to the appropriate tab and automatically pull that record for you so you can view it or edit it.
So with the above info. anyone willing to beta test?  I can zip up the files needed and post it here or provide a link for it.  Just remember it's a work in progress.  I'll keep my data with it so you can see where I am going with it and how I use it.

As I update the code I'll replace the .zip file so you can just re-download it.

07/30/2016 v1.11.0:
  In preparation for more RGB type displays I have change the controller portion by adding an IP address field.  I have gotten my hands on a SanDevice E682 (many things to the fellow decorator who donated this controller to me to help me start off with Pixels) and quickly realized that having the IP written down could be a good thing.  I have also updated the reports and adjusted the total amps section to now calculate everything from total watts.  This will be more accurate.

08/12/2016 v1.12.0:
  There have been a few skipped updates.  This update though is in preparation for more smart pixel friendly usage.  I have learned a lot working in xLights but have much more to learn.  I have a SanDevice here which has helped me learn more what might be needed data wise so I am working through this also.  I have started to add data fields in prep for this new found information but please be patient as I have some more learning to do and also figuring out how I want to do this.  A GUI revamp is in the works so this may take some time.  I am thinking that data won't cross over very well as it will be a restructure but we shall see.

Here is the link to the file from my DropBox public folder.  This will make it easier to update.
Click here for the file.

Stafford, NY
FPP, F16v2R's, SanDevice, LE's, xLights


Well I see two people have downloaded it.  Thoughts?

Stafford, NY
FPP, F16v2R's, SanDevice, LE's, xLights


  I downloaded it and had the same problem that I have with the latest version of da_start dmx start address setting software. The software doesn't start correctly on my Win 7 Pro lappy. It comes up in task manager but the little loading wheely thing just keeps spinning until the lappy is re-started.
  Without being able to run it (yet) my only thoughts so far is about the currents per power supply for low voltage lights/pixels. Keeping track of them will potentially allow for better power supply usage and safer fusing.


Quote from: AAH on April 16, 2016, 09:27:47 PM
  I downloaded it and had the same problem that I have with the latest version of da_start dmx start address setting software. The software doesn't start correctly on my Win 7 Pro lappy. It comes up in task manager but the little loading wheely thing just keeps spinning until the lappy is re-started.
  Without being able to run it (yet) my only thoughts so far is about the currents per power supply for low voltage lights/pixels. Keeping track of them will potentially allow for better power supply usage and safer fusing.

Interesting.  I have been using it on a Windows 7 Home Premium with no issues.  And that is a 64 bit system too, although a few years old now.  And a laptop.

Anyone else?

Stafford, NY
FPP, F16v2R's, SanDevice, LE's, xLights

Bill Ellick

Curiosity  got the better of me so I just downloaded it -  :o!

I will try to take a look at it later on and see what it is all about.  I didn't have any trouble getting it to open up on my Win 7 Pro system desktop that I am on right now though.  It appears to be quite the thing from the looks but will delve into it soon as I can.


Quote from: Bill Ellick on April 17, 2016, 06:49:40 AM
Curiosity  got the better of me so I just downloaded it -  :o!

I will try to take a look at it later on and see what it is all about.  I didn't have any trouble getting it to open up on my Win 7 Pro system desktop that I am on right now though.  It appears to be quite the thing from the looks but will delve into it soon as I can.
Thank you Bill.

Stafford, NY
FPP, F16v2R's, SanDevice, LE's, xLights


This has potential. I use an Excel spreadsheet in a similar way. I will work on it and get back with you.
Crosby, Texas


I have downloaded it and took a quick look around - so far looks really good.  I like the idea of incorporating in project plan items as well.  I will play with it some more and let you know what I think!



The first suggestion I see is you might want to send a "empty" program. The one you sent is great for newcomers to see what to do so offering an empty program would be good for people who have been doing this for a few years.
Crosby, Texas


Quote from: tomwb301 on April 17, 2016, 08:33:54 AM
The first suggestion I see is you might want to send a "empty" program. The one you sent is great for newcomers to see what to do so offering an empty program would be good for people who have been doing this for a few years.
Yes. I will be finishing the file section up so you can have a blank database.  But you can delete the .db3 file and a new one will be created.

Stafford, NY
FPP, F16v2R's, SanDevice, LE's, xLights


Quote from: tomwb301 on April 17, 2016, 08:10:30 AM
This has potential. I use an Excel spreadsheet in a similar way. I will work on it and get back with you.
That is how I started. I can't remember who did it but this is based off of that.

Stafford, NY
FPP, F16v2R's, SanDevice, LE's, xLights


Quote from: brianweb on April 17, 2016, 08:15:52 AM
I have downloaded it and took a quick look around - so far looks really good.  I like the idea of incorporating in project plan items as well.  I will play with it some more and let you know what I think!

Thanks Brian. Let me know what you think.

Stafford, NY
FPP, F16v2R's, SanDevice, LE's, xLights


It comes up fine for me on win 7 x64 home system.  I like that the first 10 controllers are LEs since I have 10 LEs.  LOL.
I want to spend more time with it. I clicked thru each tab and it looks pretty comprehensive so I am interested.  I do have a multi tab excel ss that also includes power calcs that I created years ago.  That has become less of interest as I moved to LED lights and now to RGB nodes.
Jim Nealand
Kennesaw, GA all Falcon controllers, all 12v Master Remote Multisync with Pi and BBB P10 and P5


Quote from: jnealand on April 17, 2016, 11:51:05 AM
It comes up fine for me on win 7 x64 home system.  I like that the first 10 controllers are LEs since I have 10 LEs.  LOL.
I want to spend more time with it. I clicked thru each tab and it looks pretty comprehensive so I am interested.  I do have a multi tab excel ss that also includes power calcs that I created years ago.  That has become less of interest as I moved to LED lights and now to RGB nodes.
I was waiting to see if you were going to chime in. Lol

I had some spreadsheets too but found them too restrictive for my needs at the time.

I started with lynx so I plugged those in first thing..

Let me know what you think.

Stafford, NY
FPP, F16v2R's, SanDevice, LE's, xLights


I had no problem running it. It is an excellent piece of work - very comprehensive! But, I'm not going to be using it. If I was still running a lot of AC, I might consider it if only to figure out power consumption. For pixels, overall power consumption is not such a big deal anymore, at least, not to me. With Xlights, devices like the Falcon F16V2, and the FPP, a lot of the relevant information is already captured. Other features, such as the To-Do, are adequately covered by many other programs.

Possible enhancements that might make it more attractive to folks like me: reading the  xlights_rgbeffects.xml; figure out the models, channels, pixels, address ranges, then overlay info this on top of the Xlights layout screen. At that point it would be cool to be able to specify the controller being used for each model or model group, the pixel types being used and then extracting all of the mapping information from the FPP or other Falcon devices like the F16V2. From there you could automatically compute power use per controller, etc. From the Xlights/FPP, you could also grab the playlist(s), the song metadata and compute the overall metrics, etc.

All of this is nice to have but not essential, so take my suggestions with a grain of salt.
Halfmoon Bay, BC

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