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Turning Projector On and Off (Epson 535W)

Started by Shana, October 17, 2022, 06:44:37 PM

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Newbie here.
I am trying to turn my Epson Powerlite 535w on and off using the projector plug in with serial.
Ffor projector: I select Epson Prowerlite 500 from the drop down for the most part when i set up a play list it will turn on, BUT never off!

How do I get it to turn off all tips would be great,


I played around with the projector control plugin in fpp with the epson projectors and had very mixed results. Some would turn on, some would do nothing, some out turn on and off. Fortunately those projectors do have a setting that will turn them on when they get power so your best bet in my opinion (I've been running for epson short throw projectors for my garage for 3 years now) is to use a smart things or a hub that home assistant can control and power your projectors with a z wave or similar device. That way you can control your projector by killing or providing power and controlling it via fpp. Additionally you can shut down your fpp instances and then kill power to them also by using the same device. It works great, only minor inconvenience for me is not have those fpp remotes powered when I want to upload a sequence when the show isn't playing. 


Were you ever able to figure this out? I'm having the same issue. It turns off but doesn't turn on.

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