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Video Overlay

Started by terrevue, December 08, 2023, 05:24:57 AM

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I am running a "Tune to" video via Command at the start of a playlist that is sent through HDMI to a TV.  Is there any way that I could create a dynamic overlay on that video that would contain the info from the current playlist?  I'd like to display at least the current song name and hopefully next song as well.  If there's no way to add to the video itself, could this possibly be done with CC?  Thanks! 


I don't know that we can do that with Video directly to HDMI, Dan or someone else will have to answer that.  We can do it with Pixel Overlay Models where one model overlays another, but that would affect performance.  You could try playing video to a FrameBuffer based Pixel Overlay Model, then creating a submodel of that and displaying text to the submodel via a FPP Command.

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