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Remote Falcon Schedule Problem #1

Started by JonD, November 12, 2024, 01:57:50 PM

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If people are enjoying themselves after hours, no worries.  Just don't need the lights to run all night long, and want to shut them down at some point.  In the past, if people were voting from the Remote Falcon website after the normal schedule ends, the show would keep playing until all the votes ran out, and then normal playlist would complete the lead-out section and shutdown. 

Currently, the Remote Falcon website works all night long as expected, until the normal schedule has ended.  Once the normal schedule has ended, if there are 10 votes in the queue for example, the next song will drop 1 or 2 votes and play the third vote.  You can keep adding votes, but every song change, a couple of votes will be lost/disappear.  Once all the votes have been played (or skipped over), FPP will return to the normal playlist and hang on the playlist item.  It does not play the playlist item, nor does it go on to the lead-out section.  It basically just freezes at "Stopping Gracefully".

Recreateable multiple versions including 7.5, 8.x, and 8.3

Any suggestions?

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I have been working with James and he was able to resolve the FPP Remote Falcon command issues not working, and the current song not displaying on the website.  They were due to some changes he had made this year.  He has pushed out the fixes and those are all resolved now.

The playlist issue was due to a known FPP playlist interrupt problem that has been going on for several years.  During the Christmas season I do not allow Remote Falcon to interrupt in the middle of a song already playing.  If someone votes, the normal playlist song finishes, and then the Remote Falcon song plays.  With that said, preseason I set RF to allow interruption as it is mainly us testing, or neighbors checking things out.  If people are voting while the schedule ends, Remote Falcon has interrupted in the middle of normal playlist song, FPP does not return back to the normal playlist properly and it hangs.  Only thing you can do is reload/reboot FPP to resolve.  The error probably has been there for years, but I probably was never testing late at night to notice it.  I shut the Remote Falcon "Interrupt Schedule" off and this resolved the issue.  The problem still exists, but it is not going to cause me any real world issues.  I can happily workaround now that I know what is causing it.  It is a great preseason feature, but just realize if people are still voting when the normal playlist goes out-of-schedule, your FPP device is going to crash. 

There seems to be a gremlin when the FPP playlist is immediately interrupted.  I have seen this happen with the EDM audio plug-in, the Remote Falcon plug-in, and have even had issues interrupting the normal playlist with a "Please do not block the neighbors driveway" warning.


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