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Testing with Renard

Started by FIRECOP252, September 27, 2014, 11:37:02 AM

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I'll leave the recommendations to others that have tried more things, I have two that are years old and they have both worked fine.

You always want a powered hub on the Pi.

If you get a decent hub and have a free port, you can plug the Pi into it to power the Pi and then plug it into the Pi to allow the Pi to use the hub and devices connected to it.   I actually have another powered 4-port hub which I am using to power 3 of my Pi's, but none of them use it for data, I'm essentially using the hub as a USB 5V power strip. :)


Quote from: FIRECOP252 on October 05, 2014, 08:36:16 PM
OK....Matt, Capt,

I know you are tired of this thread as so am I but I greatly appreciate all you help you all have put in.

With that said I dont know what happened but while trying to plug and unplug somehow it started working.  See each time I plugged and unplugged I was going in to the output section trying to put in outputs then trying to play a sequence to see what happens.  The setup it is working is with the powered USB hub gone(using USBs on the board) and the new dongle plugged directly in.   Dont know what did it but it is going.   I have even changed to the other dongle I bought and it is working now.   Dont know if it is a wireless thing or the powered USB but guess I will leave them off.   The onlly reason I have the powered USB was because I had the wireless dongle, flash drive, and the 485 dongle all to plug in and only had 2 USB ports....Oh well dont know what thats about BUT it is going.

Once again you guys outdid yourself.

I'm sorry, my fault there...

When I looked at the last set of logs, I only opened messages.log and syslog.log falsely assuming that because your previous ZIP didn't have the lsusb.log you didn't have them in the last one.

So when you ran the logs in file, was the adapter plugged into a HUB, or directly into the Pi?  It looks as though this is with the HUB installed, an "HP" usb stick, but no sign of the dongle...

So you said this is with the FTDI-based one.  Can you get it working in windows, and check that the driver is FTDI?  Hopefully the seller isn't selling knock-offs.

Also, try without the HUB using the FTDI based dongle including the SSH with the logs.

Sorry we're making you jump through hoops for this, but at the very least, the FTDI chip should work.


Too slow... glad it's working now.

As for a 4-port HUB, there's a list of recommended hubs for the Pi:

Personally, I have two of these:

Disclaimer: I was using one during development of the VastFMT code and had an issue with the Vast not being there on a cold boot sometimes.  I used the second one to attempt to reproduce the problem so I could do more digging into the USB stack on the Pi and couldn't reproduce it.  I'm have not verified that the one hub has a problem, or if the many updates since the time I experienced those problems fixed the problem.  This was before the 0.3.0 image, so updates to the kernel and other kernel modules may have fixed what I saw at the time.  The hub I linked you is on the supported list, so it was probably a one-off issues I had back then.


Quote from: Materdaddy on October 05, 2014, 09:19:04 PM
Personally, I have two of these:

If you do go with this model and want to power the Pi off the hub, make sure you plug the Pi into the 'high current' port with the battery symbol above it.  That port can supply more power than the other ports in case the Pi needs it.


Matt and Chris(Capt...just noticed that lol)

You guys have been exceptionally patient with me and I appreciate it more than you can imagine.  You 2 among others have went above and beyond trouble shooting, which I know aint easy over the internet.   Many Many THANKS for your time.  Now if I can just learn to understand the new lingo here when I get the great instructions  :o Ill be doing better  (scratching chin)......

This is the hub I just bought and was using when this mishap came about.

Its funny you pointed the Dlink out, I was just looking at that one last night before i got off the computer.

Matt Also thanks for the instructions on how to SSH.  Im sure that will come in handy for other things!  8)

Lets call this one CASE CLOSED!


I just purchased the DUB-H4 myself. Is there anything special I need to do or just plug it into the pi?
Will pi player recognize the hub and configure itself?
I know nothing about Linux ( matter of fact, many other things also!)
Chuck P
Still Learning...💡


Just plug it in, there is no configuration necessary for the hub.


I tried this and the pi power led flashed on and off and will not start.
I just read this on the link provided-

D-Link   DUB-4 High Speed USB 2.0 4-Port Hub   DUB-H4      USB 2.0   4-Port   2.0 A   Verified   [8] Charging port doesn't power Raspberry Pi

I will try a different port to power the pi from the hub later tonight.
Chuck P
Still Learning...💡


I cannot use the Power port for my Pi either.  Use one of the other ports and you'll be fine.  Each port should be able to easily deliver 500mA which is enough for the Pi, especially since you can use the hub's other powered ports for heavy power users like an FM transmitter, WiFi card, or RS485 dongle instead of plugging those into the Pi itself.


Lance, it's great you got yours lined out and running Renard.  I gave up and had to shelve mine for the time being. I have too much other stuff to do to get a show running since I'm expanding Renard channels and adding Pixels as well. I'm adding 56 channels to my superstring mega tree plus adding 20 small trees and am having to redo all my sequences and get the mega tree built and the Pixel tree too.  It's back to the old desktop and vixen 2.1 for now. I know it will run both Renard and 1.31.


Quote from: 11Bravo on October 10, 2014, 11:31:11 PM
Lance, it's great you got yours lined out and running Renard.  I gave up and had to shelve mine for the time being. I have too much other stuff to do to get a show running since I'm expanding Renard channels and adding Pixels as well. I'm adding 56 channels to my superstring mega tree plus adding 20 small trees and am having to redo all my sequences and get the mega tree built and the Pixel tree too.  It's back to the old desktop and vixen 2.1 for now. I know it will run both Renard and 1.31.

Dont feel bad....I added several things too with the biggest being my projection and I have hardly touched the sequencing/videomaking part of it so I feel ya.  My deal really wasnt that bad other than just the time consumption of getting the right dongle which is running like a champ now.  Now that Matt and Capt have helped me through this and got me to understand some things I am hoping maybe I can answer some others questions for them(concerning Renard) and help out a bit. 

Hope you get your a going sounds like its gonna be cool!!!  By the way the FPP runs the Renard EASY!!!! (when you get the right stuff lol).  Wanna see Pics and Vids when you get yours going.


Capt or Matt or DPittts,

Dont know if it makes a difference but since this thread is mainly about Renard might put it in the Renard forum?  I think with all the info you guys put out and the troubleshooting it might help some others out.  Anyways just my .02.!!!!  Great Job!!!!


bottom-line if running more than 1 RS232 (Renard) dongle.....

you need FTDI-dongles
you need powered USB-hub

Am I right?


Hi All,

Newbie here, and don't know what happened in my first attempt at replying. Here goes again...

1. My Kostyun Renard24 (and I guess all Renards) has a 5V supply from an LM7805, which is rated at 1.5A. I think that should be enough for the RPi and the 3 PICs on the Renard. Has anyone tried running their RPi from this?

2. The Ren24 converts to RS232/RS485 signals to 0/5V signals. Has anyone tried taking the serial output from the RPi GPIO connector and feeding it directly into the Renard? Would this work, given the RPi has 3.3V outputs rather than 5V? Can the FPP output to this, rather than an RS232 dongle?

What I'm thinking about is to set up the RPi as a "daughter-board" of the first Renard in my chain. Seems like only 3 wires (5V, GND, serial out) from the GPIO would need to be connected to the Renard.

On a slightly different topic... I notice some people are using RS485 dongles rather than (much cheaper) RS232 dongles to talk to their Renards. Is there any particular advantage to that for short-range comms?

(Disclaimer: whilst I have dabbled with electronics, I only know enough to be dangerous).

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