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Integration to Google Calendar / iCal endpoint?

Started by datajack, November 14, 2024, 01:03:50 AM

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Hi everyone!

Just signed up today and this is my first post!

I'm venturing out on a DIY project with my 6YO son. First goal is to display contextual daily images to recurring events (sunrise, sunset, moon at night time, bath time, dinner time etc.) and just enjoy the creative process with him. Of course, later we'll add stuff for holidays like Christmas, halloween, vacations and such. I think the countdown plugin will be a hit!

One thing I've been trying to figure out if it's possible to display content from a google calendar / iCal source? A lot of results come up regarding the internal scheduler, but I haven't found anything about displaying calendar events. End goal: The idea would to be able to write out current and next event in the calendar in between displaying images. 

I'd prefer a native or plugin driven approach if it exists. I do have technical background and a windows machine on the network that is always running, so I'm also open to placing the integration responsibility there and push to the message queue plugin - if it's possible to add to the message queue from the outside, that is.  

Thank you for any pointers you can give!


If you don't get any help on this, bump the topic in January. This does sound like a fun project but might be more than those that do this sort of thing can handle with their own shows starting shortly.

I think you are probably on one of the right paths with the message queue plugin.

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