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an online sequencer

Started by djohnson, November 27, 2013, 05:11:39 PM

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I am working on an online based sequencer (think Single Page Application) that allows for the display design and layered effects sequencing.
output will generate fseq and seq files natively (initially)
any interested contributors?



web api back end (C#) front-end angular js for framework, fabric.js for graphics, breeze js for client dal

David Pitts

Quote from: djohnson on November 27, 2013, 05:11:39 PM
I am working on an online based sequencer (think Single Page Application) that allows for the display design and layered effects sequencing.
output will generate fseq and seq files natively (initially)
any interested contributors?

I am definitely interested. I Googled the js libraries, seems like some cool stuff.
PixelController, LLC


I agree with David Pitts. After looking at these tool kits I am intrigued to see what you have in mind.



maybe we could setup a call to chat about the work I have in place, UX concepts and breaking up the work.


This gets pretty interesting if you think about adding video on the backend for "auto sequencing".  Essentially load your display elements online, define channel outputs, etc., then build your own video or use a pre-canned solution.  I'm sure there are audio use rights issues, however, if iTunes can sell a song for $1, I bet there's a deal to be made that would bundle the song with the download, etc.  Food for thought...


Quote from: sielbear on December 22, 2013, 09:45:43 AM
This gets pretty interesting if you think about adding video on the backend for "auto sequencing".  Essentially load your display elements online, define channel outputs, etc., then build your own video or use a pre-canned solution.  I'm sure there are audio use rights issues, however, if iTunes can sell a song for $1, I bet there's a deal to be made that would bundle the song with the download, etc.  Food for thought...
exactly where I was going... ;)


making excellent progress, audio licensing will be integrated in the solution.
more info, screenshots and... will be shared by end of February.


Did anything ever come of this?
- Tim


Haven't heard anything from David in a while and was wondering whatever came of this myself recently.  David is clearly one of the leaders in thinking about sequencing. LSP is still conceptually years ahead of everyone else and he left that about 2 years ago if memory serves.



Quote from: Frankr on December 10, 2014, 11:41:36 AM
Haven't heard anything from David in a while and was wondering whatever came of this myself recently.  David is clearly one of the leaders in thinking about sequencing. LSP is still conceptually years ahead of everyone else and he left that about 2 years ago if memory serves.


I ask because last year I started building a sequencer targeted towards OSX. I own a dev firm and we primarily do web and mac app development. So while I have Windows machines, they aren't very good so using LSP just isn't in the cards since it requires a fairly powerful pc, which I'm for the most part unwilling to purchase solely to blink some lights :). Some of the concepts that I worked out focus primarily on usability since the learning curve for most of these programs is fairly steep, especially going from one to the other.

I had a couple prototypes built for different features I wanted to implement (like controlling the display via kinect and leap motion. Also toyed with visual sequencing, i.e. essentially painting on effects with the mouse via webgl), as well as a bare bones sequencer, and they were all built in the browser (technically in a webkit webview using my MacGap platform With a little effort I could port them out to just run solely in the browser, or even port them over to a different platform like atom-shell or node webkit and they could control lights directly as well (I wrote a E1.31 client for Node.js that could be used in either of those platforms since they both integrate node)

- Tim


Just get rid of the grid sequencing and I may have a chance!!  Lots of folks started something but never really saw the light of day. Someone 2 years ago was working on an element based sequencing, where you could simply say I want that tree to do this and that eve to do that etc. No working in tiny lil grids..

I would pay money if tools were developed that would allow a non artistic person like me to create a neat synchronized display (oh I can do it, have done it but it takes me a long time and it's really not fun at this point).

I know some stuff. For example i know I don't know anything.


Quote from: Livermore-Dad on December 10, 2014, 12:49:24 PM
Just get rid of the grid sequencing and I may have a chance!!  Lots of folks started something but never really saw the light of day. Someone 2 years ago was working on an element based sequencing, where you could simply say I want that tree to do this and that eve to do that etc. No working in tiny lil grids..

That's basically what I had intended with the 'visual sequencing' (didn't really have a better name for it). You'd basically sequence your show in the visualizer instead of a grid. You'd set up the visualizer like you do now with most programs (add a picture, draw/add your elements, etc), and then when you're ready to start sequencing you simply draw/overlay your colors/effects on your elements. If you have a time frame selected (or portion of the song), it would run that effect on those elements during that time frame, otherwise it just turns the element on/runs the effect to the end or until you overwrite the effect with another.

- Tim


Most of my display is done using video files that are rendered against a whole house model in Nutcracker. my Let it go sequence took me 3 hours in sony movie studio cropping the video the way I wanted and boom done.  MUCH easier... Plus it is very easy to share the video files.

Nutcraker is the closest thing to element based sequencing. I can usually bust out a new sequence in 4-5 hours vs. the 30 it used to take me in LOR or LSP.

Still room for the technologies and techniques to grow though...


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