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My plugin not executed 7.x

Started by esset, September 17, 2023, 09:37:51 AM

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Hi, I'm trying to publish a plugin I have been working on but I can't get the to be executed when pulling the pluginInfo.json from plugin manager. I can execute the from SSH inside the plugin folder if I first run chmod +x.
I have tried with the root folder and under scripts folder without luck. Is there anything else I need to do to automatic execute the during plugin installation.


Do the chmod +x and commit that change.   The executable bit is an attribute that git would record. 
Daniel Kulp -


Quote from: dkulp on September 17, 2023, 10:16:00 AMDo the chmod +x and commit that change.   The executable bit is an attribute that git would record. 
Thank you, I'm on windows, how can I chmod before commit?


Quote from: esset on September 17, 2023, 10:18:53 AM
Quote from: dkulp on September 17, 2023, 10:16:00 AMDo the chmod +x and commit that change.  The executable bit is an attribute that git would record.
Thank you, I'm on windows, how can I chmod before commit?
Tried this.
git add --chmod=+x
git commit -m "fpp_install +x"
[master dxxxxx] fpp_install +x
1 file changed, 0 insertions(+), 0 deletions(-)
mode change 100644 => 100755 scripts/

Did not change the outcome.


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