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FPP 7.3.5 Master and Remote Video Issue

Started by TheMinionHouse, November 30, 2023, 06:35:18 PM

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I have my master which is playing my audio files and running the sequences, and I have a remote which is providing the output to my projector.  However, I cannot get the remote the play the MP4 version of the file at all. It worked last year, (running behind my opening night is tomorrow, ahh).   I have tried different media and such, and the remote will play an MP3 if I load that to it, but not the MP4, and yes the file names are the exact same.  
Any ideas. 

I just did all the latest updates and still have the same problem.


Can you check the fppd.log to see if there are any errors listed when you try to play the MP4 version?  If not, then we can try to determine why it isn't playing.  You can also go to the logging settings page and set the MediaOut logging level to Debug and try it and see if it prints anything in the log.


I had a similar issue at Halloween, it was a remote that is upgraded to  7.2-2-ge35c0df7. The master would start and the remote would display the HDMI out video, but it would flash and appeared to be restarting the video and looping the continuous time the master was playing. I can see in the logs that the VLC player is attempting to start video that matches the .mp3. I've attached the .zip of my fppd log. You can look at the lines dated 2023-10-22 @ 9:32:xxx and see the hundreds of lines where the media is attempting to play.
I remember reading another post about the change to VLC causing delay issues and looping restarts, but it was mentioned that it was fixed during a v6.xx upgrade.
I never resolved the issue, I used another Pi with v5.5 for Halloween to get through the weekend.

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I have a similar setup and had issues with video freezing several times a night requiring a reboot.  Tried all sorts of fixes.  Last week I swapped back to version 4.6.1 and its worked flawlessly ever since.  


I had this same problem where .mp4 videos that played fine last year on my Remote FPP would only flash the first second or so repeatedly. The post above helped me find a resolution - if there is a .mp3 file on the Remote that matches the name of .mp4, then this problem occurs - it seems it tries to load and play both. Deleting the .mp3 on the remote solves the problem and now the video plays smoothly.

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