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New house layout, thoughts/ideas?

Started by indemnity83, October 16, 2021, 08:47:23 AM

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We bought a new house this year, and I've been struggling with the show layout a bit (I'm jealous of all of you with two story semi-symmetrical houses).

I put together the layout attached, the candy canes, singing trees and mini trees I already have. The rest of the lights would be built.

Curious if others have any feedback or thoughts?


My house is also far from the two story symmetrical house!

If you can block the left hand garage door or the areas where the vehicle is parked, a flat pixel or mega tree.  Not much else you can do on the right side as that is pretty well filled up already.
Using LOR (mostly SuperStar) for all sequencing - using FPP only to drive P5 and P10 panels.
My show website:




Yeah, I want to add a mega tree at some point, was considering putting that on the right side (as far right as I can get it to not block the house lights) and putting the 5 mini trees on the left in front of the gate. We should be able to park both cars in the garage by next year, but for now the garage is still full of boxes :P

I also suspect that my scale is a bit off on the size of the props in the right side yard, need to pull the mini trees out of storage and actually put them down to see proper scale. 

Finally, got the go ahead from SWMBO to cut down the tree in the front yard (neither of us like the front yard landscaping, but that's a project for another time).


How did you do the mock up?  That looks fantastic.

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