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BeagleBone C and FPP

Started by Ryeguy, November 15, 2024, 10:55:36 AM

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Apologize as I am going to learn in public.

I have a new K32 with beagle bone C. I bought pre-flashed FPP. I cannot get the beagle to load from the uSD. It has some weird issues going on. When the uSD is plugged in, i cannot access the beagle through any means. When the uSD is not loaded, I can connect. Since the uSD was new, I tried a known good uSD with no success (I then plugged that uSD back in the original controller and it was fine).  I updated the pocket as best I could to no avail. I tried to reflash the beagle but it says it's locked? i did notice the version on that beagle (which I just bought) was what appears to be somewhat old.  Any hints to what to do to fix?

And/or separate question, what is the correct version to flash the beagle with to use uSD?

Sorry, newb I know...


In general, if the beagle is old, you may need to hold down the S2 button (flip side from the sd card slot) when applying power to force I to boot from the SD card.   Once booted into FPP, you then would need to go to the storage tab and flash it to the eMMC to make sure the new boot loader is installed there.  That should then make it so you don't have to hold the S2 button down each time.  
Daniel Kulp -


Thanks!! If I bought a brand new beagle, do I need to flash it before connecting the uSD?


Disregard! I booted it and it works fine from the new beagle! 


That being said! I bought new 64 gb uSD cards from you. Can I save the config of my 16gb card and load to the new card?

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