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problems with a matrix setup

Started by cowboyjeeper, October 10, 2024, 09:20:15 PM

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I have a kulp beaglebone black controller and a pi 3 & pi zero 2 setup.  The kulp is the main controller and the two pi systems are remotes that are used only to run a single matrix on each of them that I push across the HDMI setup.

I use xlights to create my sequences.

My problem is when the Kulp controller starts playing the sequences both the pi systems start playing the matrix they are assigned but I'm getting TWO images on each monitor.  Its almost acting like its doing a interlace setup but instead of actually interlacing its printing two images one above the other.

I've tried several different settings.  Right now I'm forcing the HDMI output to 640x480 and my matrix is 320x240.  I have also tried Default for the HDMI resolution as well, same problem.

I even tried to bump the matrix up to 640x480 and this did at least give me one image but wow the black bars and flickering is horrid.

Is something broken with matrix?

I updated to the latest 8.1 FPP.  Last year I ran one matrix and one pi on older firmware it worked fine then.  But now with 2 matrix and newer firmware I'm having serious issues.


So I went ahead and resetup my pi using 7.5 and pushed the same information from xtools to it.  After a few settings changes that I also made on the 8.1 version everything is working as it should.  So this does appear to be a problem in 8.1 at least from my standpoint.

Setting I change to make it work
1. Force HDMI display

Before doing this setting change in 7.5 I had two images again, these images however were crystal clear and no black bars or flicker like in 8.1.  After setting change and reboot I now have 1 image.

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