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Outputs stuck on

Started by bowhunter3125, November 09, 2024, 06:36:45 PM

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I have a Genius 16 2022 version I purchased from experience lights, it was a refurbished controller. All the outputs are stuck on at 1.75 volts, testing does not seem to work. David is sending me a new controller, but I'm really curios as to what causes this to happen, I have a couple recievers that do thevsame thing, is this caused by an issue with the PIC chips? 


Hi bowhunter3125, Good to hear you are still plugging away.

If the data outputs are putting out 1.75v, then likely they are stuck in some "PWM" state. Since it affects all outputs, it is likely bad firmware that somehow got stuff in a loop. You would think a cold restart and updated firmware would fix it. Assume you tried that and so we are left to guess. I've never measured the data outputs on my controllers but it could be sending all zeros all the time and therein would be the problem. I would expect a zero to be about that "voltage" as measured by your run of the mill multi-meter.

Did you try sending it a "all on" (ie 100% white) command?
Do the Genius have a test mode?


Yes, genius has test mode. I did s factory reset and new firmware. I tested my F16 and with lights off I got right around .18 volts in the ports. Is the PWM controlled by the PIC'S? 


The data line is controlled by the PICs. There are also likely some buffers involved to make sure 5V appears during the "on" part of the data signal.


Do the shift registers control the PWM


No. They amplify the data signal from 3.3v to 5v.

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