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Falcon 16V4 Audio Board Outof sync

Started by Sparky22, November 14, 2022, 07:55:25 AM

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I am attempting to use the Falcon V16V4 in player mode to run my single controller show.  I use Xlights to upload my sequence and audio to the sd card plugged into the the falcon controller. Attached to the falcon controller is the audio board that falcon sells for it. 
When running a requence from the player, the show starts out in sync with the audio, however about half way through it start lagging. The lights and the audio are 1 or more seconds out of sync by the end of the show. 
I have tried rerendering and uploading the sequence. I have also tried several other sequences as well. 
Xlights and the falcon controller firmware are up to date. 
Additonally, if i run the show from Xlights with the controller in e.131 mode eveything stays in sync.  

Has anyone else had this problem? Could it be issues with the SD card or something else? Is it recommended to by a raspberry pi and run the show from there? If i were to use a raspberry Pi, can you transmit the audio to the falcon controller or must you use the audio from the raspberry pi?

Any help would be appreciated, I would prefer not to buy any additional components. 


I have not used a F16v4 audio board, so you should ignore me.  Sounds like a timing issue to me.  Maybe the audio file needs to be a certain format?

Your setup is not a common one, and not sure many use that configuration.  If someone does not jump in, I would reach out to Falcon support since they sold both the controller and audio board.  A FPP player is certainly an option, but the audio would need to be attached to the Pi, or you would most likely have the same issue. 

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