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SRx2 eFuse will not reset

Started by szaske, November 28, 2024, 09:59:32 PM

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I have a F16v5 build 32 connected to a SRx2v5 (which also has eFuses). The fuse on 19a has blown and I cannot figure out how to reset it.  From the F15v5 web UI I can click or double click on the red "blown" fuse icon and text appears that says "fuse toggled", but nothing seem to change the fuse status.  Is there a physical way to reset the fuse or another way to fix this? I've tried clicking the "reset" button as well and nothing seems to work.

BTW, I also have not figured out how to figure out what firmware my SR device is using. There is a button that's labeled "Display SR Build on SR LEDs" and there are not instructions anywhere as to how to understand this.  When I press that button in the UI all that happens is the lights all turn red and one green light turns on (and stays on).  Does anyone know how to reset a eFuse? Or do I have a bad SR device?


my main board is running into the same issue, have you got a fix yet?


Make sure you are at latest version of firmware on both the F16v5 and SRx5 devices.  You can download the latest versions below.  I am not seeing anything listed in the release notes that would fix this issue, but the board is new enough it would probably be a good idea anyway.

F16v4 Build 34 and SRxX Build 3

Not seeing many people respond to v5 series specific questions on the forum.  (Don't think a lot of people have these being a newer model)  Someone might respond, but I would probably reach out to Falcon Support if you have not already just in case.  If you get the answer, please follow up and let everyone know what you did to fix.


I've noticed that the amperage reported on each port is VERY close to the TOTAL draw on the entire board.  
I have two ports of 720 pixels, 1 port of 95 pixels, and 1 port of 217.  They are all reporting close to the same AMP draw.  SRV5 is running Build 3, and the F16V5 is running Build 34.
Also the temperature being reported on the SR is REALLY high:


Where can you see the power usage? I don't see it anywhere in the UI


Click on the Visualize tab on the Controller UI, and scroll down to the SR ports starting at Port 17.
You will see a bar graph that shows the number of pixels in Red, and just below that red bar is a greenish bar that you can hover over to see measured amps.  If you click on that bar, it will show you a graph of the usage. 
For non SR ports, you can see this information by hovering over and clicking on the actual port number on the left.
I did report my findings to


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