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More Remote Falcon Plugin Issues

Started by JonD, November 21, 2024, 02:37:37 PM

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I thought I had all the kinks worked out, but having a few more issues now.  I have a FPP Remote Pi4 running a virtual display of our show.  This morning we hear music playing from it and look out and our display is running.  Everything seemed to have shutdown properly at 10pm the night before and we do not run a morning show.

I reviewed the RemoteFalcon logs and there was a winning sequence "Donation PSA at index 22" that played.  Except, we do not have a "Donation PSA" sequence??  We do have a "Spooky Scary Skeletons" sequence in the "RemoteFalcon" playlist (song number 22), and that is what was playing this morning, but when my wife went up to the website to see if someone was voting, the website showed that it was off-line like it was supposed to be.  We have been having other issues when our display starts playing random stuff when it is supposed to be shut off.  Also, I noticed in the RF web statistics that "Spooky Scary Skeletons" was not listed as being played that day.

I know a lot of people have requested donation options for Remote Falcon, and PSA (Public Service Announcement) is a common Remote Falcon term.  Seems like a Remote Falcon glitch maybe.

2024-11-20 10:01:20 PM:
/home/fpp/media/plugins/remote-falcon/remote_falcon_listener.php : [] Updated current playing sequence to GoodBye
2024-11-21 06:26:24 AM:
/home/fpp/media/plugins/remote-falcon/remote_falcon_listener.php : [] Playing winning sequence Donation PSA at index 22
2024-11-21 06:26:24 AM:
/home/fpp/media/plugins/remote-falcon/remote_falcon_listener.php : [] Sleeping for 4 seconds.
2024-11-21 06:26:30 AM:
/home/fpp/media/plugins/remote-falcon/remote_falcon_listener.php : [] Updated current playing sequence to Spooky Scary Skeletons
2024-11-21 06:28:28 AM:
/home/fpp/media/plugins/remote-falcon/remote_falcon_listener.php : [] 3 seconds remaining. Getting highest voted sequence.
2024-11-21 06:28:28 AM:
/home/fpp/media/plugins/remote-falcon/remote_falcon_listener.php : [] Queuing winning sequence PSA-LightShow2 at index 17
2024-11-21 06:28:28 AM:
/home/fpp/media/plugins/remote-falcon/remote_falcon_listener.php : [] Sleeping for 4 seconds.
2024-11-21 06:28:33 AM:
/home/fpp/media/plugins/remote-falcon/remote_falcon_listener.php : [] Updated current playing sequence to GoodBye

I also have been having issues with the Managed PSA feature.  It is supposed to play every 2 songs regardless if the normal playlist or remote falcon playlist played them.  Right now it only plays if people are voting and will not play otherwise.  UPDATE: This issue appears to be resolved now.  I am not having any issues presently. 

I reached out to James and he typically is pretty good about getting back to me. 

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