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How to modify and rebuild FPP

Started by alborzs, August 31, 2020, 12:58:51 AM

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Hi everyone,

I have an issue that I reported long time ago on GitHub
I would like to try and resolve the issue myself.

The easiest way I can think off is to SSH into the the Raspberry Pi running FPP, modify the code that I am interested in, rebuild and test.
I tried to find any sort of documentation regarding how to compile but I have not been able to find any useful documentation.

Could someone point me in the right direction please.
(by the way what is the root password of the pi after FPP is installed, many of the file have only write permission as root)


Usually one clones the github to your local machine, creates a branch, updates the code, commits the code and the pull request is included into the builds. You dont usually find all the source on the deployed machine - only the compiled output of the code.


Quote from: alborzs on August 31, 2020, 12:58:51 AMI have an issue that I reported long time ago on GitHub
I tested a couple sequences and I am not experiencing this flash you speak of in between sequences or in between playlists. The Blank between sequences is for older controllers that will "hold" the last state until it gets a new data signal so on these controllers you have to send the blanking data to "turn off the pixels." On most of the modern controllers, the Blanking Between Sequences has no effect because the newer controllers don't resend out the "last signal received" data, they only send out data signals that are required.

In your GitHub post, you questioned an if/else statement as being the possible error on line 504? If you look at that code, that if/else statement is only reached if the Blanking between sequences is set, that else if and the subsequent call to BlankSequenceData() is required.

Quote from: alborzs on August 31, 2020, 12:58:51 AMThe easiest way I can think off is to SSH into the the Raspberry Pi running FPP, modify the code that I am interested in, rebuild and test.
If you aren't familiar with GitHub and compiling programs, and think that you can modify the code through SSH, you might be in a little over your head. Are you familiar with C++?

Quote from: alborzs on August 31, 2020, 12:58:51 AMCould someone point me in the right direction please.
How about posting your sequence (the fsq/xml file and the actual fseq file) so we can try to reproduce and a little more about your configuration? Player, controller, mode used, network configuration, etc.
I have a feeling that your problem is hardware or sequence related.
If to err is human, I am more human than most people.


In general, my method for developing on the Pi is to edit /etc/samba/smb.conf to export /opt (using force user=root).   You can then mount that as a drive drive on your windows or OSX desktop so you can use whatever editor you are comfortable with to edit the code.

The build, ssh in to the pi, cd to /opt/fpp/src, and "sudo make" should work.
Daniel Kulp -


Hi guys, thanks for the replies.
I now understand that I should have explained the issue better.

I have a rather complicated setup, many thousands of LEDs of different kinds, both 5V addressable (RGB, Dual White, and different single colour LEDs) and 12V, 24V Leds. Most of the addressable LEDs are connected to a F16V3, the rest connected to different kind of LTECH DMX Decoder (such as and, on top of that we have custom Servos (these are called Dynamixel) and Linear actuators and relays. We have written some software (mostly c++ and Python) to control them from e131 (or MQTT or from a Radio transmitters). So now we basically can control the whole thing through e131 via Xlights.

The issue I have is that once a sequence get played to the end in FPP everything goes dark. I would like to hold the last frame data, in other words I would like to transmit the last frame indefinitely until a new playlist is requested (over MQTT) in FPP. I thought that the chock box called "Blanking Between Sequences" was intended to enable/disable this functionality, but I might have been mistaken.

and the reason why I suspected that specific commit to be the issue is that, I briefly searched and find that in that commit something is happening to the file using the value of that checkbox. I don't know the exact version of the FPP we used n Januari/Februari but back then we did not have this issue. The last frame of a sequence would get played indefinitely.

I can attach the sequences but they are nothing really at the moment, we are struggling with the issue mentioned above.


Quote from: alborzs on September 01, 2020, 02:41:05 AMThe issue I have is that once a sequence get played to the end in FPP everything goes dark. I would like to hold the last frame data, in other words I would like to transmit the last frame indefinitely until a new playlist is requested (over MQTT) in FPP. I thought that the chock box called "Blanking Between Sequences" was intended to enable/disable this functionality, but I might have been mistaken.

I believe there are two settings at play here.  You definitely want to disable (uncheck) the Blank Between Sequences box under the Playback tab in FPP settings.  But I also think you want to enable (check) the "Always Transmit Channel Data" box under the Output Tab in FPP Settings.  Note that the latter is an Advanced setting and doesn't appear unless you enable Advanced (or higher) User Interface Level under the UI tab in FPP settings.

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