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Designing Pixel lighting Questions

Started by ricopico, January 15, 2014, 02:04:39 PM

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So this year I plan to go all out with Pixel lights.  I plan to purchase a 32 strand 50PX/Strand tree, and 14 5m Light Strips to go around my eaves.

I plan to have the Mega Tree on the far side of my driveway, while the strips will run along the sides of my house. 

My questions are:
Would i need only one F-16 and Etherdongle equivalent to run my show, or would i need two devices, and split these out? (1600-tree 2100-eaves = 3700 total pixels)

How many Power Supplies(350w) would I need(tree/eaves), would i need to inject into each strip?

I'd like to levererage CAT5/5e/6, what sort of connectors would i use on the WS2811 strings?  Would i then solder these connections to the Cat5/RJ45 Female connection?

I'd like to set up the PI player and run my show, and use XLIGHTS/Nutcracker.  Could this setup ever run Video, or trigger a video of some sort and run a projector? 

Would i need to convert my LOR controllers to DMX some how in order to for XLights to run them?

Do any of you have any thoughts running the show over Wireless DMX transmitters/receivers?

I'm just brainstorming ideas right now, and wanted to get a feel for what direction to take my display this year.




If your going pxelnet - stay away from 5v and make sure you have 12v strings - standard pixelnet is designed to be used with 12v nodes



32 strands would equate to a single f16 at minimum. Then you need to drive the eaves. I budget 100-120nodes per string/port on the f16. I believe though people go up to 150....but not sure if they inject power or do other tricks.

Also remember 1 pixel = 3 channels.

Last tidbit of info. F16 let's you put two power supplies of dc12 into it. The pixels draw power. The power supply output rating in amps needs to be considered vs a watts calculation. Mind you my electrical math is gone so maybe with watts and voltage you can get amps. Each 12mm rgb led draws 60ma I believe. So that's 6amp per string so maybe overkill is a 50amp power supply.

I use old server power supplies like the one above.

I'll leave the others to add on to my post/correct any bad assumptions I made



Flex you will prob want to use is:

and bullet nodes are:

both are 12v products which will let you do longer runs without having to power inject like on the 5v versions, and are smart string versions - dmx would need a dumb string version



MyKroFT, So based on your comments, it seems like this string would fit the bill.
I'm thinking the 100 LEDs would go up and then down,  Would you know if NutCracker could handle one string going up and another 50 pixles going down?  Do you run 3-4 core wire between the strings?

DRLUCAS, from the Falcon to my first string/strip, will this be a 3-4 wire connection?  Is it better to go with the RJ45, or a 4-core waterproof connector?  Between the 1st and 2nd strings (and or strips) would a Power Supply be required at some point?  I'm showing each light needs .3W. Each Light string would require (assuming 100 lights) 30W.  If there are a total of 16 strings, this would be 480W total.  At the end of each string, how do you connect the 2nd and 3rd strings?  Do you run the signal in series, but connect the power in parallel?  Therefore, keeping a 12V at the beginning of each string?

Isnt there a limit on how far apart your lights could be until you have to insert a dummy light?  What about far apart the controller/Power supply could be from the light strings, does this have to be taken into consideration?.

Sent from my iPad using Tapatalk


The Falcon products will handle the ws2811 stuff just fine, some of the DLA stuff has had problems.  The link I posted for the bullet nodes, are TM1804 - which work just fine with either hardware.

Nutcracker - you just define it as folding I think Sean calls it - that is how Matrix works, left - right or up - down and also mega trees - mine will be 50 up and 50 down on a single string/controller




If you have some time, we can meet up and I can show you my setup.  It is very similar to what you are thinking about building.  I'm here in the Springs as well.
David also suggested getting together to work on your setup in another thread.


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