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Projector Control Plugin

Started by Bshaver, January 14, 2015, 07:31:55 AM

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Quote from: Bshaver on September 17, 2018, 04:07:26 PM
Hi Roger. Sure. later in the evening > 7pm mountain is usually best for me. What time zone are you in?

So, I thought I'd take a crack at this to see if I could code this out myself.  I've coded the for the powerlite93 to include AVMute ON and OFF commands.

                                "PROTOCOL" => "TCP",
                                //"ON" => "IMPWR ON?",
                                //"OFF" => "IMPWR OFF?",
                                "ON" => "\x49\x4d\x50\x57\x52\x20\x4f\x4e\x0d",
                                "OFF" => "\x49\x4d\x50\x57\x52\x20\x4f\x46\x46\x0d",
                                "AVMute_ON" => "\x25\x31\x41\x56\x4d\x54\x20\x33\x31\x0d",
                                "AVMute_OFF"=> "\x35\x31\x41\x56\x4d\x54\x20\x33\x30\x0d",

                                "IP" => "",
                                "PASSWORD" => "",
                                "PORT" => "4352", //OR 3620 possibly 3629 = ESC$
                                //"BAUD_RATE" => "19200",
                                //"CHAR_BITS" => "8",
                                //"STOP_BITS" => "1",
                                //"PARITY" => "none"
Still not getting any reaction from the projector via ethernet.    What am I missing?


Hello everyone,

Are there new projectors that have serial/RJ45 that work with the projector control plugin?  I looked at the list of supported projectors a few pages back on this topic, but they are all used.  Does anyone have a recommendation for an inexpensive, new widescreen projector that supports HDMI and serial/RJ45?  I am OK with generic brands.  :)



Hey guys,

I've got an EPSON PowerLite 83c that I'm trying to use the PJLINK function with. I'm not having any luck getting the pi to turn this projector on or off.

I'm able to use the projectors web interface to turn it on and off and I've also just used a packet sender program and I sent the projector on and off commands and had success with both.

Is this something that we are still working on? It does have an RS232c port but none of the manuals I've found online have ANY info on that.

Thank you!



Can I just send the models of projectors that I am using to get them added?


Having problems getting this working.  Have the Epson Powerlite 955WH projector.  Installed my usb to rs232 cable from my pi to the projector.  Then installed the Projector Control plugin, did the settings and ran the script.  Nothing.  Tried all the Epson options in the settings and not getting the projector to turn on.  Am I doing something wrong or are the command codes for my projector not in the plugin?  

I have attached a pic of my settings for the plugin.
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Hi Gang,

First thanks for the plugin - it has made my life over the past 3 years much simpler.  This year I have noticed that my simple usage of the turn on / turn off function is failing, however if I reboot the Pi3 it seems to work once (before requiring another reboot).  I have a Dell 4320 that I've been using with the Dell_4210x settings, which appear to be the same for off/on at least.  Any ideas or directions to start in?  I'm running 3.5.5 and am using a cables to go rs232 cable coupled with a trendnet usb to serial converter.  I also added a USB Soundblaster to the Pi this year, but it doesn't seem to make a difference if that is plugged in or not.  I also tried with a Pi4 that I have and had the same results.  Thanks in advance!!


Has anyone had any success using one of the total home FX projectors??

We picked one up on clearance 2 years ago and I currently have it connected to a PiZero via HDMI for my video and a virtual matrix. 

it does have a USB port on it for updating firmware (supposedly) but I wanted to see if anyone has had any luck doing anything else with it other than playing videos (it does have some "built in" videos I'd like to eventually use like Santa)


Quote from: mcangeli on December 10, 2019, 08:51:43 AMHas anyone had any success using one of the total home FX projectors??

We picked one up on clearance 2 years ago and I currently have it connected to a PiZero via HDMI for my video and a virtual matrix.

it does have a USB port on it for updating firmware (supposedly) but I wanted to see if anyone has had any luck doing anything else with it other than playing videos (it does have some "built in" videos I'd like to eventually use like Santa)
Not likely.  It needs a serial interface, or network interface with control abilities, and I'm pretty sure those do not.

K-State Fan

Is there an updated list of supported projectors?  The last one I see on this thread is from 2017.  Going to upgrade my projector for next year and what to get one that I can use this on.


If you download the plugin and don't see it in the drop down, mention it here with the model number and possible online link to the menu and then @Bshaver usually gets it added when he has time.


Hello all,

This topic hasn't had many entries in a while and I'm not sure why. But anyway, I was finally able to get my projector (Epson Powerlite) working with the PJLINK function with the FPP.

Here's what I needed to do in order for it to work:

1) On page 10 of this topic, Ben (bshaver) posts about the possibility of one of the libraries not getting installed correctly when you install the projector plugin. Follow the directions he posted about. Its very simple and takes about 5 minutes total. I'm not sure if its necessary or not, but I made sure that my Pi was able to reach the internet during the process.

2) Once I did that and restarted my Pi, double checked all my settings from my projector, I manually ran the Projector-On script and it fired up right away. I waited for my lamp to warm up and then I manually ran the Projector-OFF script and it shut off as expected. Perfect, right?

3) So then I tested this in the scheduler. I made a playlist with just the Projector-On script and then another with the Projector-OFF and scheduled them both about 2 minutes apart from one another. I came played the script....nothing.....

4) Next step, I ran the scripts manually again. Perfect each time.... so I'm not sure what was going on. Maybe the scripts were playing too quick to the start of the playlist?

5) I added a 10 second pause to the beginning and the end of each playlist with the script sandwiched in the middle. I ran it and low and behold, it worked. So if you are still having issues with PJLINK, try those steps.

Another thing to try is to use a program like "Packet Sender" and use that to send the On and Off commands to your projector and see if that works. I did and was able to see that the PJLINK commands were working. I just needed to add the pauses in the playlist.

I am using FPP version 4.2.



If I am understanding correctly, a USB to serial adapter is required for this plug in.  I'll order one today.

However, I am curious why going directly to the GPIOs wouldn't work as well?

Thanks for the work on this... I can't imagine anyone NOT using this.  So of course I'll follow the USB to Serial adapter path!


Quote from: mwillia4 on September 24, 2020, 04:21:48 PMIf I am understanding correctly, a USB to serial adapter is required for this plug in.  I'll order one today.

However, I am curious why going directly to the GPIOs wouldn't work as well?

Thanks for the work on this... I can't imagine anyone NOT using this.  So of course I'll follow the USB to Serial adapter path!
You don't need the serial adapter if you are using PJLINK.


Quote from: Bshaver on January 18, 2016, 12:25:03 PMFor those that are trying to use the projector plugin in PJLINK mode. Upon installation the plugin should have installed Net::PJLink perl module. If you are getting errors it could be that it was not installed properly

you can do the following:

1) ssh into FPP
2) sudo su (assume root)
3) type in 'perl -MCPAN -e shell'
4) If MCPAN has not been configured, it may prompt you to configure it, just assume all defaults
5) at the cpan> prompt type 'install Net::PJLink'
6) when complete it should say 'install ok'
7) type 'exit' or 'quit'
8) try the projector again.

This post should be pinned because I just tried to connect a new projector using PJLink with the plugin and ran into this, like many others have.  Once I did the steps above, even with a projector not on the supported list but using standard PJLink commands (Optoma EH503), everything worked perfectly!!


Quote from: spenc119 on December 02, 2019, 10:18:40 PMThis year I have noticed that my simple usage of the turn on / turn off function is failing, however if I reboot the Pi3 it seems to work once (before requiring another reboot). 
Did you get this figured out Spenc?   I'm experiencing the same issue.   Works once upon a reboot of the Pi and then fails on further attempts.   Thnx.

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