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RGB Matrix Panels

Started by akdyyz, July 27, 2024, 12:21:21 PM

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I was given a bunch of these but I am unable to figure out how to set it up in FPP or do I need to set them up in xlights and have it program FPP..... there was no option for 96x48 in the settings. Any help is appreciated, first time posting, usually can figure things out but not this time, so here I am lol



I think you are not going to be able to use FPP to drive them directly. You will probably need a colorlight or similar card.


I got one of these.... and can use it with code, just need to figure out how to put it in FPP, I get it to work with the 64x64 but obv dosnt look right lol


Likely going to need help from one of the devs. I've looked but never changed anything in FPP source. It always appears daunting when I start to nose through the code. But you can take a try. If you figure it out, make a pull request and have the devs look it over. It is on the github:

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