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Overlay Model WLED Effect Not Working

Started by Tburch12785, December 04, 2024, 07:52:37 PM

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Hi guys,
I'm hoping this is a quick Q with a quick answer... thanks for all you all do!  I use WLED effects for controlling all my props when shows aren't running... but after breaking out the gear and adding a couple minor things this year, the WLED effects don't work on specific models.  I even did a fresh install and configuration with no change in behavior, so I'm sure I've just overlooked something obvious that I can't find.  

Overlay Model Effect => "Bars" works on all models as expected.  But if I then command Overlay Model Effect => "WLED - Pride 2015" (or any other WLED effect) it shows the effect applied properly in Overlay Model page to everything, but specific models do not display the effect.  All my expansion boards run the effects properly, and the first port of my Kulp K8-b runs the effect properly.  But, ports 2, 3, 4, and 5 on the kulp board only show the effect on the last pixel in the string.  In 100 pixel props, that means the 100th pixel shows the effect while the first 99 are dark.  Any idea what I've set up wrong?  Thanks!


Or, is there a support option for donors or anything like that?  


I don't use WLED or overlay models and have no advice.  You could try posting print screens of your xLights controller page, xLights controller settings on one of the controllers you are having issues with, FPP output settings page. and the controller configuration settings.  

You could also try the xLights Zoom Room for assistance.


Thanks for the suggestions... this behavior is independent of xlights since I'm only just trying to apply the overlay effect in fpp at this point.  I attached a view of the overlay models showing all of the models running the WLED Overlay Effect... but the 4 highlighted ones are totally dark except for the last pixel in each string.  The other attachment is the output config.
You cannot view this attachment. 
You cannot view this attachment.


Maybe I could ask too... should I be considering something else instead of WLED Overlay Effects for static display stuff when there's no show running?  I've used WLED Overlay Effects to add an indefinite sparkle effect to a prop after hours and whatnot.  I'm admittedly still quite a noob with fpp, xlights, etc so maybe I've totally overlooked an easier way to do what I'm trying to do.


xLights Zoom Room will assist with anything xLights related, including FPP and various controllers.  It would be a good resource for someone just starting.  They typically have you running in a few minutes, compared to days of back and forth in the forum.  Having not used either Overlay Models or WLED, I don't have a opinion on them.  If someone else does not respond, I would give the zoom room a try.

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