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ESPixel Controller Power supply

Started by mmais68569, December 26, 2018, 01:57:03 PM

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What is everyone using to power there ESpixel strips? With only being able to run 170 pixels should not need a 350 watt power supply.


You should be able to run 4 full universes off of the ESPixelStick. We are running 14 of them this year driving 45 100 pixel tomato cage mini trees. We have 3 of those 14 running 500 pixels with no problems. We went a little on the cheap side for power supply and went with these from Amazon, We are running them all off of unicast with a dedicated wireless router and on their own subnet with a pi 3b+ driving them all.

Welcome to my insanity:
25 Lynx Expresses, 30 PiCaps, 32 Raspberry Pis. Running 36 sequences and about 300,000 lights across 12 houses.


The one I am using states 170 nodes. What are you using?


I have a bunch of those that I have yet to assemble and try out. Supposedly if you use the ESPixelStick firmware from they should support 4 universes, at least that is what others have told me, but your mileage may vary. The 14 we are using currently are the ones by the same person who makes the firmware, They work quite well in a single yard, but sometimes lag in our cul-de-sac but we are probably pushing them way beyond what wifi should do since the furthest ones are almost 200 feet from the router. But I think since they all use the same wifi chip it wouldn't matter what we tried using.

I really need to put a couple of those Renard Plus ones together before the end of the season to see if we can pump more than 170 pixels through them.

Welcome to my insanity:
25 Lynx Expresses, 30 PiCaps, 32 Raspberry Pis. Running 36 sequences and about 300,000 lights across 12 houses.


I have a few ESPixelSticks in use indoors this year and went on the really cheap side at the local Goodwill 50%-off day and picked up 12V and 9V power supplies that put out ~4A each.  That is well more than I need for the 32 pixels each ESPixelStick controls.


I was finally able to setup my ESPixelStick ver 2.0, after I changed the IP Address to static I went to the Device Configuration Page. I says 1 universe 170 nodes, I see others running way more then a universe. Here is what I want to do,run 5 Bosocoyo 48 Candy Canes. That would be 240 nodes well over 1 universe. So do I go to the Device Configuration Page & change the universe to 2 & node count to 248?


No leave the universe as 1 and change the pixel count to what the pixel count will be. The universe is the start universe. It will auto calculate the end universe.

Welcome to my insanity:
25 Lynx Expresses, 30 PiCaps, 32 Raspberry Pis. Running 36 sequences and about 300,000 lights across 12 houses.

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