
LATEST RELEASE:  FPP 8.5.1 - Download from here -



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Start Stop playlist with 1 button event script.

Started by dreiman, November 07, 2019, 09:31:34 PM

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I am using FPP for the first time this year. I am in the planning stages and getting the software / hardware sorted out.

I was playing with input events to set up buttons to execute events. The first thing I did was make a button play a play list. That's got to be most people first thing with buttons. But it got me thinking. Instead of having a button for play, and a button for stop, why not play and stop with the same button.

So I wrote a simple shell script that allows you to do that.

You set up your button the normal way on a GPIO pin of your choice. Edit with the name of the playlist. Copy to FPP.  set up an even to execute  Then setup an input to execute the even on a push button.

When you are done, push the button and the playlist starts. Push the button again and it stops.

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