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Text on Matrix

Started by Geod, September 27, 2023, 09:35:23 AM

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Question on displaying text on  a matrix

The model preview shows text right to left which looks correct

The house preview shows the text bottom to top

I have set the movement button to Left

How do I get the house preview to show text left to right?


If you have not already, make sure to recompile the sequence after making any changes.  The text feature is not the greatest in xlights, and sometimes you have to play with the layer settings box to get it to look right.  A picture of your settings and how it looks on the preview would be helpful.


I'm not sure how to add a screen image to a file for attachment.   Is it OK to copy the screen image directly into the reply post?


Hi JonD

Thanks for the reply

I have attached screen images for your review.   Please let me know if you can help me with my matrix issue

Thank you



Her is second screen image


Can't figure out how to attach my screen images.  Can anyone help?


Quote from: Geod on September 29, 2023, 01:42:25 PMCan't figure out how to attach my screen images.  Can anyone help?
You can't do it from the Quick Reply....You have to either click on the Reply button, or Preview your post and then you will get the option. You will have to save the screenshot on your computer and then you can upload the image from the Attachments and Other options selection....You can also click on the insert button and it will put the picture directly in your post. Please post actual screenshots and not pictures of your screen.
Actually, it looks like the attachment isn't working....
If to err is human, I am more human than most people.


Normally you hit the black "Reply" button, and select "attachments and other options", but it has been broke for several days.

They will get around to fixing it sometime maybe.




 Can anyone use these screen images to help me determine why the text on my matrix show correctly (words left to right) on the model screen but the house preview show the txt going bottom to top?  

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It looks like you rotated your matrix in your layout...was there a reason for this? You really want all of your models to have the standard orientation. How do you have your matrix wired? Starting location from the front? And zag up and down, or back and forth?
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If to err is human, I am more human than most people.


If I did rotate the matrix I didn't mean to.   I haven't wired the actual matrix yet but I plan on having 25 pixels right to left (with a blank hole between each pixel) with 32 rows down.

Do you think I should manually rotate the matrix on my layout?


I just rotated the matrix and all seems corrected.

Thanks for all the help



Quote from: Geod on October 04, 2023, 11:17:06 AMDo you think I should manually rotate the matrix on my layout?
Unless you want to have the problems you are describing! LOL
To make sure that you are setting the orientation correctly, I would go to the Size/Location section of the model and set the rotations all to 0. and then adjust the size accordingly. Right click and Correct Aspect Ratio should do it!
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If to err is human, I am more human than most people.

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