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Why can't I configure universes over 16 universes?

Started by roygbivenator, January 09, 2023, 11:12:37 PM

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As the title says, whenever I try to configure the controller output to be above 16 it turns red and doesn't let me save the configuration. The documentation says it is capable of well over 16 universe per output. What's going on? 

K-State Fan

How many universes do you have set up on the controller? I would also rethink your numbering of universes.  When I was using universes controller 1 would start on universe 100, controller 2 on 200 and so on.

What are you using to sequence your lights?  If xLights, I would allow xLights to make all those settings.


You have to set up your input universes to match the universes you are sending to the output ports.  The controller is telling you that you are assigning universes and channels to your output ports that are currently undefined.


A few things. First and foremost, is that you should use the tools in xLights and let xLights configure the controller for you. That eliminates about 75% of the problems that new people have,
Also, post screen shots and not a picture of your screen. Pictures are difficult to see most times and don't give us all the information we need.
It looks like you don't totally understand how Universes work. You don't assign Universes to ports. It looks like you are trying to assign 10 Universes per port? Like I said, you do not assign Universes to ports. You assign where the Port starts in your available Universes and they typically don't start an on new Universe for each port. This might help?

Like was mentioned, the error is because you did not define enough Universes in your E1.31 page of the controller, but again, this is best handled by xLights. It will do all of your controller config for you.
If to err is human, I am more human than most people.

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