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first timer with no clue

Started by jerengen, January 17, 2023, 06:03:53 PM

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I have just recieved my ready to run f16v4. I am brand spanking new to the lifestyle of rgb lighting and am wondering how to get started. I have been in the plastic blow mold setups for several years, currently have 96 pieces. i am looking to incorporate these into my display with the rgb's. i purchased a dmx expansion board to run the 120v side of things. For context i have purchased 1000 ws2811 pixels and am looking to set up a display around the front of my house. i have downloaded xlights. looking for inital controller setup info and possibly any tech advice on how to set up a show thru xlights


96 is a big number for separate 120 VAC props.  What do you intend to use to control them?  DMX is just a protocol so you would need some type of DMX AC dimmers and if you intend to control all of them separatly, you will need a whole lot of them.  I wouldn't worry about the controller setup just yet.  The first thing I would do is get familiar with the XLights display layout page.  Then you can use it to begin figuring out your layout and where you are going to place your lights on the house.  Once you do do that in XLights, then you can determine where you are going to place your controllers and what ports you will be connecting them to.  Once you know that, then you can start working on the controller configuration and XLights can help with that as well.


Is switching the blowmolds to LED (12v) an option, or something you've considered?

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