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Falcon sells a ready to go unit.

Wired Watts and others sell enclosures with mounting plate kits.

CG-1500 and Bud boxes are what I see people use most often, but boxes found in a hardware store are common.  Every display is different, but as Jim said, there is something for consistency.  Controller parts are often difficult to find in December, not to mention shipping is slower, so it is a good idea to keep some items on hand in case you run into some problems.  If everything is using the same hardware, it makes things easier to swap around if you need to.
I am looking at this again. It would be great if there is some enclosure that has mountings for a PSU and 1-2 extension boards. Is there anything like that or is everyone just building their own custom case? 
BeagleBone Black Controllers / Re: wine from matrix with octo...
Last post by Poporacer - January 12, 2025, 10:40:05 AM
Quote from: starsman20 on January 12, 2025, 05:52:51 AMDo the panels make any kind of noise? 
I highly doubt the panels will make any noise, but it is very common for the fan in the power supplies to make noise and depending on the power supply, the fans can turn on or off and even change speeds depending on the needs pf the PSU.
BeagleBone Black Controllers / Re: wine from matrix with octo...
Last post by k6ccc - January 12, 2025, 10:11:18 AM
I have my P5 and P10 matrix panels in my family room during the off season - for testing.  I have never noticed any noise.
Falcon Player (FPP) / Re: FPP 8.4 released!
Last post by dkulp - January 12, 2025, 08:20:06 AM
Do you have a hat installed that may be consuming pins?

You could likely run "gpioinfo" from the command line it it may show which process is consuming the GPIO pins.

BeagleBone Black Controllers / wine from matrix with octoscro...
Last post by starsman20 - January 12, 2025, 05:52:51 AM
This might not be controls related.  I moved my show inside and got my matrix running so I could post notes to my better half.  I noticed that when it is running a sequence there is a high pitched whine now.  I don't recall hearing it before and the weather got to single digits so the whole thing was very cold (but always worked).  Do the panels make any kind of noise?  They are P5 in a 4 wide by 2 tall configuration. Came from one of the  standard vendors, I don't remember exactly where i got them.  It might be the power supply but I have never had one make this kind of noise before.  TIA.
Falcon Player (FPP) / Re: FPP 8.4 released!
Last post by MikeKrebs - January 11, 2025, 07:45:49 PM
I might not understand how Python and FPP play together but I think FPP has that pin "busy". So skip the setup and just read "the other one".
Falcon Player (FPP) / Re: FPP 8.4 released!
Last post by lrhorer - January 11, 2025, 03:56:45 PM
I am currently running 8.4 on a system with input GPIO4 enabled on the falling edge to run a Python script.  I need to have the script check both GPIO4 and GPIO17 to see if one or both are low.  In Python, when I use
import RPi.GPIO as GPIO

I get an error lgpio.error: 'GPIO busy' on the GPIO.setup(4,GPIO.IN) line.

Note this script runs under more conditions than only when GPIO4 is low, so I cannot merely assume GPIO4 is low.

What would be the best way to handle this?  Gpiozero also does not work.
xLights / Re: forum registra...
Last post by darylc - January 11, 2025, 12:42:54 AM
@JonD Why do you insist in creating arguments in threads and taking them off topic from the original posters topic?  My reply was for the OP, not for you to start yet another argument.  Your opinion about facebook is irrelevant.
xLights / Re: forum registra...
Last post by JonD - January 10, 2025, 11:02:07 PM
Since it is 2025, I think most people are aware of the website that is listed in most dictionaries.  If you don't have an account at this point, it is a choice.  You're not likely to convince a non-user to create an account, and suggesting for them to do so is probably just going to flame things.  Politely let people know the resources are out there and let it be.  If they are open to creating an account they will do so.  

OP was told the resources were available, then posted the question on this forum, and I think it was answered.

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FPP 8.4 released! by dkulp
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