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Need help with FPP test mode

Started by motoole, November 08, 2023, 03:34:25 PM

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I'm setting up my megatree and running into problems. I've got a F48 controller driven by a raspberry pi. The tree is driven by a diff receiver using 2 ports.  Total 700 pixels / port.  I'm hooking up the tapes sequentially in test mode and the color is changing at 150 pixels.  I'm guessing I've got a setup problem, but at a loss to know what I likely inadvertently changed. Any ideas?
Thanks, Michael


Are you using power injection?  If not, you are probably having power issues with those long strings.  In many cases if using 12V, you can go between 120 to 150 pixels without power injection but after that point, the voltage drop is too great and the pixels can dim, flicker, or be the wrong color.


Seems like 150 is the default amount of pixels assigned to each port.  You may need to increase the pixel count on the controller port.


I am using power injection and all lights are at full brightness.  In test mode, I'm supposedly driving the maximum number of pixels.  Where do I go to set the number of pixels / port?
Thanks, Michael


On the Falcon F48 management page\ output settings\ pixel there should be a pixel count settings.  Do the lights work using the Falcon controller test mode?

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