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FPP Virtual Matrix output to VIP-4060 daktronic video wall

Started by lrdfoo, May 15, 2023, 07:08:41 PM

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Hey guys, 

I'm hoping someone can help me with a unique situation.  In the past I have output a virtual matrix to a projector or a TV but now I'm upping my game and I've come into a partial video wall.  I'd like to use FPP to output video to it.  this should be simple as the VIP-4060 has a DVI input and it will basically output straight to the video wall.  here is what I'm getting on my displays.

Video wall is 384x256 HxW
my virtual matrix is currently set to 108x192 I've tried 384x256 and 640x480.
nothing seems to work right, the resolution that seems to be coming into my 4060 is 240x1440 for some reason.

if I hook up a computer to the 4060 and change the resolution down to 640x480 I'm able to make the video fit on my panel and work

I'm thinking I'm missing something on the virtual matrix output or some setting that I'm not aware of.  

Any Help would be appreciated!

Thank you 


You MAY need to force the Pi to output 640x480 like you did for the computer.   I think you need to turn on the advanced UI level and then on the System tab, set the HDMI resolution to 640x480.  It's likely the panel isn't reporting its capabilities correctly and the Pi isn't initializing things as needed.  Forcing it to 640x480 may get it working.  
Daniel Kulp -


It is doable, but FPP 6 made it super hard to configure.

My matrix is 256x128 but the card wants 800x600 resolution with the matrix starting 200 lines, so adjust for yours.

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