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LORs being DMX controlled

Started by sirdevan, December 09, 2019, 05:59:51 PM

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Having a strange issue concerning controlling LOR boxes with dmx. Last year I made the special cat cable that went from a dmx output on an alphapix 16 to 1 LOR box and then it chained, like normal, to the 2nd. worked great.

This year, for the life of me, I couldn't get a solid light on the second box. I was able to run the same cable to either box and get a solid light, but when trying to chain to the next box, the 2nd wouldn't go solid. (tested as well, could only control 1)

My neighbor also has 2 LOR boxes and asked me to control his lights this year. I decided to go off of another dmx to his box, worked great, but again, 2nd box still flashing, no control.

What am I doing wrong? This was real easy last year, now it seems impossible. Tried 3 different cat cables, 2 brand new out of the bag.
I know I could just use multiple dmx outputs but this is not the resolution I can do for some of this network.

Any suggestions? Brief look online didn't really show and I haven't upgraded/changed/touched those 2 LOR boxes since last year. They were still mounted inside on the garage walls.

Pretty sure we both didn't mysteriously have a bad port on 2 boxes. I tried controlling from either direction. I am sure I can do more troubleshooting, but it isn't making sense in my head. 


Are the 2 cat5 cables that were tested definitely standard patch cables and not crossover style? I know that I have been burned in the past when I assumed the cable I grabbed wasn't a crossover.

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