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FPPD stopped

Started by wilkija, December 08, 2023, 07:44:23 AM

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I noticed this morning that FPPD stopped running about 30 minutes before the scheduled stop time for the show.  I'm running 7.3 a4434abb and I went ahead and updated to the latest this morning because I saw e42bf0cd said "Fix a bunch of memory leaks".

Any ideas if the fixes in the latest and what I saw last night are related?  Here is the relevant info that I saw in the logs - 

fppd.log -
2023-12-07 21:24:16.044 (2099) [Plugin] /opt/fpp/src/Plugins.cpp:251: Failed to fork

syslog -
Dec  7 21:17:02 FPP-Master CRON[1618]: (root) CMD (  cd / && run-parts --report /etc/cron.hourly)
Dec  7 21:24:16 FPP-Master kernel: [379079.245707] __vm_enough_memory: pid: 2099, comm: fppd, no enough memory for the allocation
Dec  7 21:25:01 FPP-Master CRON[1635]: (root) CMD (command -v debian-sa1 > /dev/null && debian-sa1 1 1)

2023-12-07 09:21:47 PM: /home/fpp/media/plugins/remote-falcon/remote_falcon_listener.php : [] Sleeping for 3 seconds.
2023-12-07 09:21:51 PM: /home/fpp/media/plugins/remote-falcon/remote_falcon_listener.php : [] Updated current playing sequence to Jackson 5 - Santa Claus is Coming to Town
2023-12-07 09:21:52 PM: /home/fpp/media/plugins/remote-falcon/remote_falcon_listener.php : [] Updated next scheduled sequence to
2023-12-07 09:24:13 PM: /home/fpp/media/plugins/remote-falcon/remote_falcon_listener.php : [] 3 seconds remaining. Getting highest voted sequence.
2023-12-07 09:24:13 PM: /home/fpp/media/plugins/remote-falcon/remote_falcon_listener.php : [] No votes
2023-12-07 09:24:13 PM: /home/fpp/media/plugins/remote-falcon/remote_falcon_listener.php : [] Sleeping for 3 seconds.
2023-12-07 09:39:17 PM: /home/fpp/media/plugins/remote-falcon/remote_falcon_listener.php : [] FPPD is not running!
2023-12-07 09:54:23 PM: /home/fpp/media/plugins/remote-falcon/remote_falcon_listener.php : [] FPPD is not running!


Seems like people have went silent after upgrading to 7.3.6, which implies it is resolving some issues.  I would suggest letting it run a few days and report back any new problems that come up.


I was on 7.3.6, but this evening GUI says FPPD not running and lights frozen at one spot. FPP would not reboot. Crossing fingers even more on 7.4 that these issues are resolved.
Jason Rasmussen
Virtual Christmas Summit 2021 - Optimizing Your Audio and FM Transmission


Several people including myself have had Falcon lockup issues running on firmware build 27.  If you have Falcon controllers, make sure you are on the latest firmware build 30.  The firmware issues have not caused FPPD errors that I am aware of though.

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