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ledvision to drive two independent displays from a single ColoLight 5A-75B card

Started by ppp, April 29, 2024, 12:15:39 PM

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Do anyone know if it is possible to use ledvision to drive two independent displays from a single ColoLight 5A-75B card?
From two different output, J1 and J2. It does allows me to define two led displays but then not to configure them independently.


If they are the same panel type just set them up as a single matrix in ledvision and separate them in xlights?  If they are different panels types I just use a different colorlight receiver for each matrix.


This is the setup:
Display 1: 64x32*7 resulting in 448x32
Display2: 64x64*1 resulting in 64x64
and i'd like to plug them to J1 output and J2 output on the same card.
My plan is not to use xlights, but just stream different areas of the desktop with ledvision to them (I'm going to have an electron app for the contents).

Is this feasible or is just wrong?
Does ledvision allow to stream to different displays only with multiple cards?



You can't do it with a single receiver and different-sized panels like that.  If they were the same height it could probably work by configuring the software to act as if the second display was the same width as the first.  The extra data for the missing panels would just be wasted I/O.



I assume he already has a sender since he is talking about sending different parts of the desktop to two different displays.  I don't think you can have different size panels on the same receiver, so he would have to at least set it up as two receivers with different size panels.  I am not totally sure whether that will work or not single sender/PC, I haven't messed with the PC software side much in years.


Hi! Thank you both for your answers. 

I got a second card that I will try tomorrow, but should I wire it in line with the first (from the first output ethernet) or in parallel and having a second instance of LEDVision?
Except if some different configuration mode appear when you plug a second card, seems to me that I can set different displays from Control>Screen Size and Count Settings... and they can have different dimensions, but then when I go on Control>LED Screen Settings... it always allows me to edit the same settings regardless of the one i have highlighted. Does not even specify with card is related to the setting.

As sender, I would just use LEDVision with a Normal Page > Desk Area Windows over an Electron app where i would play contents (or generate dynamic ones).


With a sender card you wouldn't use ledvision after you've configured everything.  The sender card plugs into your computer like a 2nd monitor and you'd put your electron apps on that monitor in the correct spots.  I've not done the 2nd matrix thing using senders with colorlight, only LINSN


Oh that would be great, but how do i define the card as an external monitor?

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