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Blown Fuses?

Started by djmc2002, December 01, 2024, 03:28:38 PM

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can some one smarter than me (which is most if not all of you) help me understand why I might be blowing fuses and subsquently see to have bad ports on my F16V2 (Blue)? I have changed several fuses, happens on both the main board and the expansion board.  

Not smart enough about this to troubleshoot beyond checking cords and such, is it possible that a bad pixel could be shorting out a port? Would it be the first pixel or how would that present?

Thanks in advance.


I usually only see this with longer lights strings that are being power injected.  It is not usually a bad pixel, and more often how the ground wires are attached.  How many lights in the string, how many power supplies are involved, and where are the negative wires located?  Can you draw a map of the wiring with controller and power supplies included?


For most pixel strings, you should have continuity on the V+ and V- with no cross over. Data continuity can't be checked easily but should not have cross over with either.

Check for wire strands in the connector.


Not for nothing, Check your wiring on your power supplies injecting power. Make sure you have the + and - wired correctly.

Might seem silly, but check.  I have wired many of these types of power supplies well beyond using them for Pixels. Yet, I made a goof on one power supply in my setup. I connected both Red and black to ground. Because it wasn't shorting the power supply, it never showed a fault. But it did blow fuses lol.

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