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FPP install script on Ubuntu, no video

Started by ee351, December 04, 2022, 09:20:31 PM

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Hi all,

I'm trying to get the HDMI port working on a dell wyse 3040 sbc with FPP.  I installed ubuntu server 22.04.1 LTS, followed by the FPP install script.  The fpp webserver comes up fine, with FPPD running.  However, I cannot get the video to output when playing an mp4 file.  All I see is a flicker on the screen with the terminal running.  

Is there something I can try to get video to work?  Another OS perhaps?

Thanks in advanced.


FPP is designed to be run on the supported platforms - pi/beaglebone etc.

If you run it on a PC under a linux install you're unknown territory, likely no-one has ever tested or written the support for virtual matrixes on PC's.

We would welcome a pull request to fix the issue to the fpp github repository.


If you upgrade it to the latest master code that was committed to the repo yesterday, there is a better chance you could get it to work, but it may require some trial and error on the command line to find the right combination of flags for vlc.

If you turn on the Advanced UI, on the Video tab, and "Extra VLC Arguments"field would appear.   I would start by adding:

--kms-drm-chroma XR24

and see if that helps.   On a couple of devices I have, that's all that was needed.   Beyond that, try figuring out the dri card number and connector.   For one of my devices, I need:

--kms-device /dev/dri/card1 --kms-connector HDMI-A-1 --kms-drm-chroma XR24

to specify card1 (check the /dev/dri/ directory for cards) and the appropriate HDMI port.  
Daniel Kulp -


I added --kms-drm-chroma XR24 and now the screen goes black only when playing the video.  After the video is done, the terminal comes up.  The other settings had no effect, and this was after I changed the card1 to card0 (verified from the directory you provided).  Anything else I can try?  I feel like I'm close.


Success!  I was able to get the video to play after I encoded the video file to match the native resolution of the HDMI port (1366 X 768 for this SBC).  No audio, but I'll keep playing with the settings to see if I can figure it out.

Also, is there any way to force the native resolution to 1080P?  This device is supposedly capable of 4k@30fps.  I tried force hdmi resolution under settings but this had no effect.

I'm also happy to report that a virtual matrix works with this setup, which was my end goal.  Trying different effects/videos and playback is smooth.


The issue I had with the audio not working had to do with FPP not controlling the audio of the underlying OS.
I was able to easily set the volume in the CLI by running:
amixer sset 'Master' 100%
However, this was not kept through a reboot, so I setup the crontab to do this at boot.
I made a file in the media/scripts directory called with the following:
amixer sset 'Master' 100%

I set it to executable by running:
chmod u+x

Then to get to crontab:
sudo crontab -e

I added a line at the bottom like this:
@reboot sh media/scripts/

This sets the volume to 100% at start up.
It works for my testing, but I may see if I can get FPP to control the volume later.


(Running FPP on Debian 11 on a cheap ASUS laptop)

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