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Sequences won't play from controller

Started by SuperDave, December 17, 2024, 05:48:02 PM

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Hi all, I'm very new at this so please forgive me if I'm using the wrong terminology. I made a basic animation sequence for some Boscoyo chromacanes (99) and I uploaded it to my Kulp K8-PB but the sequence wont play when I select it from the oled screen on the controller. When I open up FPP on my computer I can play the sequence from the effects library and the file manager and all the test functions work too. I currently have the controller hooked up to my router with a usb/ethernet adapter, but I intend to use the USB for a sound blaster play 3 when I move the setup outside.

To say it a different way, I'll go to "start playlist" then arrow down to the sequence I want to play and hit "enter" and it just cycles back to the screen that says host: and the IP address and below that is "player idle"

I've tried so many different variations of this box checked and that box unchecked and UPD none or all and re-uploaded settings over and over that I've lost track of what I've done. Any Ideas?



Quote from: SuperDave on December 17, 2024, 05:48:02 PMmade a basic animation sequence for some Boscoyo chromacanes (99) and I uploaded it to my Kulp K8-PB
This has happened quite a bit and the problem typically is because people don't know that you have to click the Render All button and when that is completed you have to save it IN THAT ORDER, before you upload.

Quote from: SuperDave on December 17, 2024, 05:48:02 PMwhen I select it from the oled screen on the controller
Why are you starting from the OLED screen?
If to err is human, I am more human than most people.


I tried making a new animation sequence, selected render all first, then saved it. Then uploaded it to the player on my network and again it will play from fpp on my laptop, but I cant get the sequences to play manually from the controller. 

How do I start the sequences? do i have to use the scheduler?


Good news, I finally got it working. When you asked why I was starting the sequence from the OLED screen I realized I was misinterpreting what that screen was for. I went to the scheduler and added my sequence and uploaded it to the controller, hooked it all up outside and it worked. Thanks for the help!


If to err is human, I am more human than most people.

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