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Solved! F16V4 DMX dead?

Started by rykone, November 27, 2024, 11:44:57 AM

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So first year trying to make DMX work with a F16v4.  All i'm trying to do is turn a few sets of dumb lights on at the beginning of the night and then off again when the "show" shuts down.  My problem is I cannot get the F16V4 to output anything on the DMX serial output.  So below I have screenshots of my Visualizer, my model info, and my F16's output page and test page.  Also included a photo of my jumper settings and my scope showing no signal output...  The blue cord the scope is attached to I verified having good connection.  I still get no signal even if plugging cord directly to the Falcon serial port bypassing the short jumper.  Is there something in the setup I might have missed?  Something that looks setup wrong?  Or do I have a bad serial output on my Falcon? 
P.S. I also get no signal when trying the test from Xlights...
P.P.S.  This is the first time trying DMX, though the controller is a year or two old...
Thanks for any help.

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I'm posting this in case anyone else runs into a similar issue.  I was using Xlights to setup my ports, having a smaller show I don't use every port on my F16v4.  As seen in the visualizer picture.  What was going on was I was using Xlights to upload my port configurations.  It left all the ports I wasn't using set to Universe 1 channel 1.  The dmx channel was also set to universe 1 channel 1.  So...apparently if you have a channel assigned to both serial output and port output the f16v4 will output only to the "port" setting and send NO serial data.  At least that's my experience.  Once I changed all unused ports to an unused universe and channel the F16v4 now outputs data and I can see the relays clicking in test mode.  I haven't tried from Xlights yet, but knowing it works in test mode means everything else will just be configuration issues.  

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