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E-Fuses not turning Off Automatically - Solved

Started by Voltorb, November 27, 2024, 12:52:57 PM

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I'm running FPP 8.3.1 and E131 Unicast out to a Falcon F16V5.  The eFuses are not turning off as expected on the controller after a sequence ends (and waiting a few minutes for the 90 second timer to expire) unless I manually turn off the Output in the E131 tab of channel outputs. 
I've searched, but couldn't find anything.  What am I missing?

All ports on the FalconF16V5 have Blank checked.  When looking at status on the controller, I see traffic on all universes.


Make sure the F16v5 and v5 Series SRs are at the latest firmware.

Updated:  If updating the Fv5 firmware does not resolve, I don't see this type of issue answered in the forum very often.  Maybe someone will answer, but this might be a question for Keith Westley.  Make sure you have sent the same question to Falcon Support in case no one responds in the forum.  Always helpful if you post the solution once you have one.


Thanks Jon, I've confirmed the controller is at Build 34, and SR's are updated to Build 3.
I can disable output from FPP to this controller, and the fuses go Gray after 90 seconds as configured.
I'll post on the FPP forum now.


Dan Kulp replied on the FPP forum.
I had  "Always transmit channel data" setting (Input/output tab, advanced UI) turned on.   
Once I turned it off, it's working as expected.
If FPPD isn't doing anything, then it shouldn't be sending e1.31 data.  
Posting here in case someone else has the same issue.

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